Here are some pictures of the 2001 Hamcation in Orlando This is North, up the main lanes of the outdoor Swap area. These are shots of a Humvee set up to be a cell site on wheels AND an interface to any other radio system.
This side has 800 MHz radios and room for other radios as needed for a deployment.
This is the rear view showing the cell site switch and interface electronics. Very neatly wired.
This side has the power supplies.
From the wired phone, she is able to call cell phones associated with this site, without ANY connection the the public network.
The manual fiberglass push up mast, made in Sweden.
Power connection
The rest of these pictures are of the Orange County Emergency communications truck.
This one console can operate on any radio system.
This is the front of the truck, you can see the radios which are then remoted to the consoles.
Outside views of the trailer.
Lights on a automatic mast. No antennas, just lighting. Another truck can set up a tower if needed.
A full view of the truck.
Power distribution panel.
Long view of the worker area.
The front electronics room. Generator on the right, radios and phone wiring on the left. Rev. 07/15/03 |