Here are SFFMA Newsletters posted from the most recent to oldest. SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION April 8, 2002 MINUTES OF MEETING PRESIDENT RONNIE HAIK KG4DBI DIRECTORS Meeting was called to order at 1945 hours with 30 present. Repeater update 147.315 - The power amplifier died and has been repaired. It is back on the air at full power. 147.150 - It covered the March of Dimes event flawlessly, proof that you don't need power. 224.200 - Works great. Some people are surfacing, and a whole group of people hangs out on 220. There are tons of repeaters. You might want to check it out, if you got the equipment 147.000 - working March of Dimes over past weekend. The event went very well. Thank you to everyone who participated. Put all who showed up to good use. They had good cool, breezy weather. We would like to offer a special thanks to Randy (WA20MT) for putting it all together. Thanks to Jason (KE4KYY) and Carl (KA4HLO). Ronny (KG4DBI) apologized for making a mistake. He left the rest stop he was working at when he heard a pregnant lady who was having problems, and he went to pick her up. Police had specifically asked us to not get involved in medical activities. They wanted us to let them know about any medical needs we heard about so they could act. It was an act of a Good Samaritan, and would be covered by the club, should something had happened. Thanks to Adam (KG4PSN) for the photos. Great job! Upcoming Events There was a CERT refresher on the March 23rd. There were some HAMs there. There is a CERT open enrollment the next 2 weekends (April 13 and 20). The first week is at the EOC. You must register in advance, because if they do not get enough people, they will cancel it. Go to -- fill out the form so that Carl can get the information New/Old event - Boy Scouts of America Barefoot Mailman, 39 mile hike (Wilton Manors to NW 36st), will take place in about 6 months. It will include a couple thousand scouts. The date is not yet selected. There is a real problem with people hogging the repeaters. Repeater use during rush hour should be reserved for mobiles, so please do not get on the repeaters from a base station during rush hours. Also, please leave break in between to allow others to get in 220 repeater needs to be updated on the Florida repeater council. It is still under the old name. The controller can't be updated until they are done at UM. Anthony (KF4AWH), and Jessie (KG4OXR) are going to have an event to try to get people, especially blind, interested in amateur radio - please give them support. David gave the Introduction to Red Cross Next class - Disaster Services, sometime in May in the EOC - 4 hours Simplex tests - UHF, 6m, 220 (in future) around noon on Sundays. They have had good participation so far. Robert brought to show his new $99 iCom HH here. It works great May 18th there will be a CERT activity in Miami Lakes. If you want to participate, see Brenden (KG4DKF). He needs $10 from you to turn in this week. James brought in some antenna equipment he made. It didn't cost a whole lot to make. More information is available on the SoFlaHams group site on Yahoo. An Excel spreadsheet is available to calculate measurements. Wendy Dibean SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION AUGUST MEETING MINUTES DIRECTORS WEB SITE http:/ Meeting opened with 27 present, at 7:45 Pm. Our first order of business was
the introduction of those present. The minutes of the last meeting was read by
the Secretary, and a motion to accept them was made by Billy KF4JFU and seconded
by JOE KG4GTS. Motion was passed unanimously. Ray KD4BBM gave a report on
the 147.760 repeater. It is working satisfactorily. The MELBOURNE hamfest is SEPTEMBER 08. We are trying to get a group together to go up there. Its a one day affair. Get in touch with CARL or RAY KD4BBM and let them know you are interested. We were told that a SKYWARN session will be held at the EOC on Wednesday August 15. A CERT training course wil be give, if interested call the EOC at 305-468 5400 ask for Capt. Palestrant or call CARL KA4HLO at 305-468-5420. SAM KQ4MR gave a talk about his trip to the BOY SCOUT NATIONAL JAMBOREE. It was held in Virginia. There were 32,000 boy scouts there plus 8,000 Adults. There were a couple of tents there for a huge DISPLAY OF AMATEUR RADIOS. The Station CAll Sign was K4BSA.
Respectfully, JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV, Secretary, I had the pleasure of attending a meeting of the America Radio Club on
Wednesday Aug 15, held at the Community Center at the City Hall in West Miami. I
met up with some of my old friends who made the meeting very enjoyable. The Club
is having the same difficulties as the SFFMA with attendance at meetings
dropping and losing some of their members. They were discussing how to improving
that condition. They were discussing a reduction of dues. Their meetings are not
like ours, there was a LOT of discussion going on. The club is going to start a
net on 20 meters, aimed at South and Central America. A name was being discussed
won't reveal the name of the net until a search of COPYRIGHTED NETS are
verified. I reminded them that a few years ago the SFFMA made a pact with the ARC that we should try to work together. A big party is being planned for sometime in the near future. The ARC also does testing on a regular basis and runs classes for training newcomers. They are also quite technical in their knowledge of Electronics. The meeting ran for two and a half hours. Respectfully SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION JULY MEETING MINUTES DIRECTORS WEB SITE http:/ Meeting opened at 8 Pm with 20 present. First order of business was an introduction by the those present. Next was a reading of the minutes of the June meeting by the secretary. A motion to accept the minutes was made by JASON KE4KYY and seconded by Ernesto. Motion was approved by voice vote. Repeater roport by RAY KD4BBM was that the 146.760 is working well. The 6 meter needs some work on the receiver. RAY suggest that we get an estimate from a repairman to see what it will cost to repair the 1.2 Ghz repeater. No other trustees were available for reports. It was suggested that we start using the other repeaters that are available in DADE County and not rely wholly on the 147.000. We still dont have a treasurer, so no report was available. Margaret KF4NZG our president has been acting as treasurer. The Field day received a perfect 10 from the members. This was a joint event
between the SFFMA snd the DADE RADIO CLUB. As most of us realize, most are
members of both clubs. We also had some request for a guest speaker on Packet and also something unusual in the form of a balloon race with APRS on board. This way, they will know what their location is when it comes to finding them after they land. Meeting ended at 9 Pm so that we can hear our program guest speaker JASON KE4KYY who spoke to us about trunking and a communication system called EDACS which I will try and describe below. It was an excellent presentation by JASON and very informative. I hope I can do justice to it. Respectfully Submitted EDACS a trunked communications system This represents a form of communication that most of us should know . At the
SFFMA meeting we had JASON KE4KYY describe the system to us. It was quite
interesting. Lets say you are on line two, you may be switched to line seven if necessary without you even knowing it happened. If anything occurs that may interfere with your call, the system will automatically do the switching without the user being aware. If there is computer failure, the system will still keep operating, but with reduced functions. The system also has a bunch of diagnostic programs to make it very flexible to do what the administrator wants. Respectfully JOE CHWICK AC4TV Secretary SFFMA MEETING AT 7:30 Pm MONDAY JUNE 11 AT THE EOC. SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER PRESIDENT MARGARITA MESONES-MORI KF4NZG DIRECTORS WEB SITE http:/ Meeting was called to order at 8:00 Pm by Ronnie KG4DBI Vice president in the absence of Our club president Margarita KF4NZG. There were 19 present. RONNIE at this point turned the chair over to ROGER KD4VNN who ran the meeting till its conclusion. OLD BUSINESS: SAM KQ4MR Thanked those HAMS who participated in the SCOUT Jamboree. It was a success. The report on the MS Breakaway was not that good. CARL KA4HLO said that as far as he was concerned this was the last breakaway that he will work. It seems that the MS people were quite nasty towards the hams that worked the event. Their (MS) skills at communicating with the hams were not very nice, and were not appreciative of the work and expertise of the amateurs. They were quite critical of the amateurs. ROGER: we were working out there in the sun and heat, and they did not even offer us water and were bad mouthing us. CARL: This wasn't just now, this was building up from the past. A letter of complaint will be sent to the MS people. Being as CARL was the only repeater trusty present, the repeater report was short. The 444.200 is down and is being worked on. There was an unofficial discussion on the topic of our seeking a new location to hold our meetings. At this point the consensus was to stay where we are. UNLESS THOSE HAMS who don't attend the meetings anymore show up, it most likely will be the final decision. As I said, this was an unofficial discussion, nothing was finalized. NEW BUSINESS: FIELD DAY this year will be held at the EOC JUNE 23--24. We are going to need a work party to prepare more antennas and get the radio room operational. This will be organized at the next ARPSC meeting on JUNE 02. We will be doing field day with the DADE Radio club. On a motion by ROGER and Seconded by LEE the SFFMA will contribute $150 towards the food. We hope the Dade Radio club will do the same. More on Field day at the next ARPSC, SFFMA and Dade Radio club meetings. We will also extend an invitation to the CERT members to join us. CARL: As you know there was a CERT demo exercise this week which was very well attended by CERT members, but there was only ONE AMATEUR present. On a motion made by ROGER and seconded by LEE, there will be a free flea preceding our next meeting on JUNE 11 from 6:30 till 7:30 at the EOC. There will be a new simplex net on Wednesdays preceding the Coral Gables and The Main net on 147.470. The time for this net will be from 7:00 till 7:15 Pm. This will commence on JUNE 06. Net control will be LENNY KE4KEY. We hope that there will be permanent support from all the hams for this net. Also invited are checkins via FRS. Anyone for FRS net control?? We realize that FRS range is very short, Perhaps we can work a relay to net control so those out his range can check in. Meeting closed at 8 Pm . Our guests for this evening were the DCAT 4955 team who gave a demo of what its all about. Respectfully submitted SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER PRESIDENT MARGARITA MESONES-MORI KF4NZG DIRECTORS WEB SITE http:/ NEXT MEETING MAY 14 at 7:30 Pm AT THE EOC LETS HAVE A GOOD TURNOUT. Meeting was called to order at 7:55 Pm with 16 present. A motion was made by JOE AC4TV and seconded by RANDY WA2OMT that the minutes be accepted as printed in the newsletter. Motion passed. Repeater report on the 147.000 was given by trustee JOHN KU4GY was that everything is fine. Mentioned by some members was that there have been favorable comments made about the repeaters performance by hams in Broward. There were no other reports as there were no other trustees present. A report on the club picnic was that it was successful. The club went $100 in the red. Too much food was purchased and not enough picnickers. For those who did not attend the picnic, you missed a good one. The fare was very good and plenty of it. There was a remark that we should try and find a picnic place that does not have a fee. The park charges $125 to rent the picnic shelter. Does anyone have any suggestions where we can picnic next year? We have two new members of the club, they are KG4LYD ARMANDO FLORES AND HIS SON IVAN KG4MNZ, AND DAVID COLCHER KG4LYD. The march of dimes event went off very smoothly thanks to the great effort of the volunteers and to the groundwork that was done by RICK N4PBF SK. Many thanks to JOE KEEFE KD4IXE who stepped in to finish what RICK had begun. We are still in need of a treasurer. In the past two months we have had no volunteers for the post. As for the March of Dimes, the manpower volunteers were ample, but if we had some dropouts, it would have caused problems CARL KA4HLO pointed out the many events that we the amateurs used to do that we no longer work. About 60% of them no longer exist. CARL also made a statement about the lack of members in ALL the clubs. He says we should consider merging with some of the other clubs and utilize the skills they can offer. He mentioned that the FELLOWSHIP club and the SOUTH FLORIDA FM association should merge into one club. The fellowship now has a membership problem just like the rest of the clubs, plus they have four repeaters. They also have a number of technical people in their membership. What do you think about merging? Then there is the DADE radio club whose members mostly are members of the SFFMA. The Dade ARC does the Hamboree and the FM Association and the DADE ARC supply the manpower. In CARLS words, we are both spread very thin. The FM membership has taken a very sharp decline as has the DADE ARC along with the other radio clubs. Meeting attendance has dropped to a very low level. The turnout at our meetings is nothing to brag about, and the DADE ARC's is no better, and the other clubs are in the same predicament . JOE AC4TV stated that the time has come that we MUST relocate our meeting place to one more easily accessible to SOUTH DADE where the FM club membership lives. Since moving to the new EOC, the meeting attendance dropped drastically. Our purpose for meeting at the present EOC was that this more northern Dade location would encourage a better participation and new membership from North Dade and the beaches. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN, just the opposite did. This is another thing that we would like your feedback on. Then there is another thing to consider, THE ARPSC meetings also suffers from the lack of participants. QUESTION??? why not have a joint meeting of ARPSC and THE FM ASSOCIATION and the DADE ARC and any other club(s) who would care to join with us and make this their/our regular monthly meeting. We could do what CARL does for ARPSC, and that is to buy some bagels, buns, coffee, orange juice and any other thing that we can all chip in for and make it a joint breakfast meeting on a SATURDAY morning. We can devote a schedule of allotted time for each organization. After all, those that attend these meetings could kill two birds with one stone, by making this a regular super monthly SATURDAY MORNING meeting EVENT for all our clubs. We cant do any of this without an ample number of members present at a meeting, as we will let the few decide for the many. SO lets hear some feedback from you on this. What would it take to bring YOU AND THOSE who never attend meetings back into the fold? PLEASE GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK, WE CANT DO THIS WITHOUT YOUR INPUT. The questions we would like your feedback on are; 1. Should we meet at a more southern Dade location?? FIELD DAY was also discussed We bantered back and forth about what and where we should have it. There was talk about the hill at Tropical Park. RANDY WA2OMT reminded us that we had decided a while ago that this field day should be at the EOC where we could inaugurate our new radio room. So, this is where we shall do field day this year. A lot of these decisions are being left to a meager few. This points out that the lack of interest on the part of the members who don't participate truly hurts all the clubs. The 50-50 only had $5 in it (shows how poor the attendance was). Won by RONNIE HAIK KG4DBI, who donated the winning back to the club. Meeting ended at 8:40 PM. Respectfully submitted SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER PRESIDENT MARGARITA MESONES-MORI KF4NZG VICE PRESIDENT RONNIE HAIK KG4DBI SECRETARY JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER JOE KALLAHER KG4GTS PAST PRESIDENT LEE CIERESZKO N4TCW DIRECTORS KEVIN SCANLON K4PCS 01-03 SAM HARTE KQ4MR 00-02 JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 WEB SITE http:/ Minutes of February 12 2001 meeting NEXT MEETING MARCH 12 at 7:30 Pm AT THE EOC LETS HAVE A GOOD TURNOUT. Meeting opened at 7:45 Pm with an attendance of 17 members and one guest. This was the first meeting by the new officers of the SFFMA (listed above). Margarita KF4NZG Our president chaired the meeting. Our first order of business was an introduction by each one present. Report on the Hamboree was that it was a great one and was enjoyed by all. The SFFMA thanks Evelyn W4WYR and John Hall WD4SFG and all the Volunteers for all of their hard work in putting on this event. Repeater Reports the 147.000 is working well. the 146.760 has intermittent noise. The six meter link transmits, but does not receive, the 442 according to CARL is sick but it will be repaired, and the 220 is OK. THE trustees have been advised that an Inventory of all our repeater equipment be made and their replacement value be indicated. This is for our insurance coverage. Our annual Picnic is scheduled for March 25 at the Indian Hammocks park. It starts at 11 Am until 3 Pm. The menu will be Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Potato salad, Cole Slaw, Cold soft drinks and good fellowship of your fellow Hams. The fee is $5 per person before the picnic, and $7 at the picnic. Families of three or more will have a cap of $15. You are welcome to bring your rigs as we do have power at the park. As yet we are not aware of what pavilion we will be at. It was discussed that we should have more than one picnic type of event where our members can get together. ROGER KD4VNN made a motion Seconded by RONNIE KG4DBI That we have a cookout at a state park. Motion passed, more on this at a later meeting. At the next meeting we will discuss a Tail Gate swap and a Flea. Joe AC4TV spoke about the nets, the main net in particular.. There has been too little representation on the net by SFFMA members. This is an amateur event which deserves your participation and support. Roger KD4VNN former team leader of DCAT 4955 will give a talk concerning wilderness survival on our February 21 Main net on the 147.000 at 7:30 Pm. This is going to be a good subject. On the Feb 28 net we will once again have the Young People net. A motion was made by JOE AC4TV That the South Florida FM Association Inc, sponsor the following events so that we will have insurance coverage for the amateur participants. They are, MARCH 10 Multiple Sclerosis walkathon at Coral Gables, MARCH 25 the SFFMA Picnic, APRIL 7 the March of Dimes here in Miami, APRIL 1 for the club amateurs who may participate in the Broward County March of Dimes, The APRIL 28-29 Breakaway to Key Largo, and the FEBRUARY 23 Boy Scout Camporee, AND the APRIL 28 Boy Scout EVENT at the Pro Player Stadium. The motion was seconded by Randy WA2OMT, The motion was unanimously approved by the membership. The Breakawy event will originate at METRO ZOO and terminate at the JOHN PENNEKAMP PARK in Key Largo, and then return to MetroZoo. We are going to need Generators (call CARL 468-5420). We will have a truck donated by Monroe County and one truck will be available at Metro Zoo. RED CROSS will donate use of truck, provided we make early reservations. The April 7 March of Dimes event will be handled by Randy WA2OMT and RICK N4PBF who will be the chairmen of that event, and needless to say, THEY WILL NEED VOLUNTEERS. On a motion by JOE AC4TV seconded by RANDY WA4OMT that the last months minutes be approved as accepted and passed. The Treasurers report showed that we have ample funds in the bank. EDDIE KC4CFK who is responsible for RED CROSS Communications invites those who have no radio experience to call him at the red cross. The Red Cross will train you in their communications. You don't need an amateur license for this. Our membership has declined sharply compared to what it was three years ago. Those from the out of the tri-county area (Monroe, Dade, and Broward) who feel that they would like to donate to the club for their use of our repeaters, we have a special rate for them. Only $15 per year. Our 50-50 had $11 and no one claimed it, so the funds will be given to the SFFMA general account. Meeting ended at 8:30 pm. Respectfully Submitted Joe Chwick, AC4TV Secretary Since the meeting, Our Treasurer resigned, and we are once again without a treasurer. This is an important position that cannot be neglected. We need a Treasurer and the officers of the club beg the membership to see that the position gets filled. We will have an election for the post at the March meeting. We need a volunteer. I am happy to say that our ex treasurer left the books in good working order, and it should not be difficult for the new officer to take over. You can volunteer now by emailing the vice president at OUR ANNUAL PICNIC WILL TAKE PLACE ON SUNDAY THE 25th of March, starting at 11Am. till 3 PM. The place is the same as last year at the Indian Hammocks Park on S.W. 107 Ave between Kendall drive and Sunset. Entry is on the west Side of the street. We will be in Pavillion #5. Tickets will be sold at the ARPSC meeting and at the SFFMA March 12 meeting. I hope to see you all there. MENU: Hamburgers, HOT DOGS, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Cold soft Drinks, and of course all the condiments that go with a Picnic. Bring your own TUMS. Added Attraction is the fellowship that you will experience.
SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2000 DUES FOR THE YEAR 2000 ARE DUE NOW. $30 for renewal plus $5 per licensed household member. MAIL TO SCOTT KF4FIK TREASURER SFFMA POB 430025 MIAMI, FL 33243-0025 PRESIDENT LEE CIERESZKO N4TCW VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL SECRETARY JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY DIRECTORS SAM HARTE KQ4MR 00-02 JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ OCTOBER 09 2000. Meeting came to order at 7:41 Pm with twelve members and two visitors present. First order of business was the introduction of members followed by a voice vote on accepting the minutes as printed in the newsletter. APPROVED. The treasurers report was not available due to the absence of SCOTT, our treasurer. REPEATER REPORT: RAY KD4BBM The 6.76 is working well, our NOAA radio has no audio and must be repaired, the 440 needs repair, and the 1.2 Ghz needs a lot of work. JOHN KU4GY: The 7.000 is working well, had to replace a filter. This repeater is linked with the 442.350 ONLY during emergencies. We had a discussion concerning linking, and a lot of bottlenecks still have to be overcome. We discussed sending our signal further to the north utilizing the W Palm frequency that we have. Still talking about it. Although we voted to pay our dues to the repeater council, it has never been paid due to Scotts absence. For Next month we will appointed a nominating committee, LEE N4TCW, RAY KDBBM, AND RICK N4PBF. If you receive a call, PLEASE do volunteer to be an officer of the club. The club is only as good as the people you elect. Same goes for our elected officials. JOE KALLAHER KG4GTS has already volunteered for the job as CLUB TREASURER. LEE N4TCW says he will not be available as president next year. Secretary post is also in doubt. I have to travel 31 miles round trip to a meeting, and I do have an eye problem. I can still do the newsletter, unless some else wishes to do it. We are going to have a FIELD DAY in mid JANUARY. We, (arpsc) hope to get all the clubs involved in this. It is stupid to have a field day in June with all the heat, mosquitos and Humidity. We hope all the Southern clubs will follow suit. The field day site will be the front lawn of the new EOC. And as was stated, ALL CLUBS are invited. The field day will be sponsored by ARPSC. Our guest speaker Lt. Bob Palestrant who was supposed to speak to the club abour CERT, never showed up. Meeting ended at 8:52 Pm.
SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2000 DUES FOR THE YEAR 2000 ARE DUE NOW. $30 for renewal plus $5 per licenced household member.MAIL TO SCOTT KF4FIK TREASURER SFFMA POB 430025 MIAMI, FL 33243-00 25 PRESIDENT LEE CIERESZKO N4TCW VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL SECRETARY JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY DIRECTORS SAM HARTE KQ4MR 00-02 JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ OCTOBER 09 2000. Meeting came to order at 7:41 Pm with twelve members and two visitors present. First order of business was the introduction of members followed by a voice vote on accepting the minutes as printed in the newsletter. APPROVED. The treasurers report was not available due to the absence of SCOTT, our treasurer. REPEATER REPORT: RAY KD4BBM The 6.76 is working well, our NOAA radio has no audio and must be repaired, the 440 needs repair, and the 1.2 Ghz needs a lot of work. JOHN KU4GY: The 7.000 is working well, had to replace a filter. This repeater is linked with the 442.350 ONLY during emergencies. We had a discussion concerning linking, and a lot of bottlenecks still have to be overcome. We discussed sending our signal further to the north utilizing the W Palm frequency that we have. Still talking about it. Although we voted to pay our dues to the repeater council, it has never been paid due to Scotts absence. For Next month we will appointed a nominating committee, LEE N4TCW, RAY KDBBM, AND RICK N4PBF. If you receive a call, PLEASE do volunteer to be an officer of the club. The club is only as good as the people you elect. Same goes for our elected officials. JOE KALLAHER KG4GTS has already volunteered for the job as CLUB TREASURER. LEE N4TCW says he will not be available as president next year. Secretary post is also in doubt. I have to travel 31 miles round trip to a meeting, and I do have an eye problem. I can still do the newsletter, unless some else wishes to do it. We are going to have a FIELD DAY in mid JANUARY. We, (arpsc) hope to get all the clubs involved in this. It is stupid to have a field day in June with all the heat, mosquitos and Humidity. We hope all the Southern clubs will follow suit. The field day site will be the front lawn of the new EOC. And as was stated, ALL CLUBS are invited. The field day will be sponsored by ARPSC. Our guest speaker Lt. Bob Palestrant who was supposed to speak to the club abour CERT, never showed up. Meeting ended at 8:52 Pm. SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2000 DUES FOR THE YEAR 2000 ARE DUE NOW. $30 for renewal plus $5 per licenced household member.MAIL TO SCOTT KF4FIK TREASURER SFFMA POB 430025 MIAMI, FL 33243-0025 PRESIDENT LEE CIERESZKO N4TCW VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL SECRETARY JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY DIRECTORS SAM HARTE KQ4MR 00-02 JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ Meeting called to order 2000H L due to inclimental weather. 10 persons in attendance. Minutes of JUL accepted as posted in newsletter. Motion by Carl KA4HLO, Seconded by Jason KE4KYY. Treasurer not in attendance. Trustee Report: 147.000 OK 146.760 OK Intermittent noise 440 Needs controller 1.2GHz needs tuning w/equipment that will go that high 220 No Report New Business: Discussed ARPSC Ham Radio Day, club will support Discussion on repeater etiquette Program: Discussion on linking repeaters within and without FL. Need contacts with other repeater trustees, clubs to implement this. Adjournment Motion by Jason KE4KYY, Seconded by Carl KA4HLO Next meeting will be "Ham Radio Testing": Is your mobile antenna working properly (flat SWR)? Is your mobile radio working properly (power, deviation, frequency)? If you don't know and you want to, come to the next South Florida FM Association meeting. At the meeting on September 11, 2000 at 1930 hours, we will be offering this testing to all Amateurs. Make sure you can easily disconnect your mobile antenna from your mobile transceiver and be ready to do so what it is your turn for testing. We may also test relative signal strength and spectral purity depending on equipment brought. If you have any such equipment available, please call me, Lee Ciereszko, N4TCW at 305 992 5978. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ A Search and Rescue and Fire Suppression Refresher Course will be held at the Urban Search and Rescue site, 7950 SW 107 Ave. on 9/30/00, from 9 am until 4:30 pm. If any of your team members do not have e-mail, please forward this information to them. The class will be limited to the first 30 participants and the deadline for registration is 9/22/00. Other similar courses will be scheduled for November. Contact Capt. Bob Palestrant at 305-468-5416 to sign up. When calling, please spell your last name, give your team assignment and contact number . Lt. Les Forster Emergency Management Coordinator Office of Emergency Management Miami-Dade Fire Rescue 9300 NW 41 Street Miami, FL 33178 Phone: (305) 468-5417 Fax: (305) 468-5401 e-mail: Miami-Dade CERT Website: OEM Website: Respectfully JOE AC4TV VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL SECRETARY JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY DIRECTORS SAM HARTE KQ4MR 00-02 JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ Meeting opened at 7:50 Pm at the new MIAMI-DADE EOC. We had 22 present. This was the first of our club meetings at the new Emergency Operations Center. Our first order of business was an introduction by each one present. A motion by JOE AC4TV and seconded by SAM KQ4MR to accept the minutes as published in the June Newsletter. Motion passed. Due to the absence our Treasurer, there was treasurer report made. We had a report made by CARL KA4HLO on CERT (Community Emergency Response Team). There will a SPANISH version of CERT in about a month, which will be open to anyone wishing to take it. There will be in the near future another ENGLISH version given. Both of these sessions are open to anyone, not only as a first tie, but for those wishing to refresh their past training. CARL also made mention of the lack of field day response. It was stated that unfortunately, it is very hot at the end of June, mixed with a high Humidity and mosquitos whih makes field day undesirable to many. Perhaps we can arrange some thing in December or January here in the South and including California, and call it Sun Belt Field day. Not a bad idea. Perhaps we should get the ARRL in on this. The Everglades ARC had a field day which had over forty hams participating. The EARC has a sort of mini field day the first weekend in December in Flamingo, which is in a much more comfortable weather situation. Lets hope there are no conflicts like contests. CARL also told us there will be another OPEN HOUSE at the EOC. I will let everyone know when. I would like to give you all better directions to the New EOC. With 826, exit at NW 36 ST west exit, proceed west. Or with the Turnpike exit NW 41 St. NW 36 st becomes becomes 41 st a short distance from the palmetto and go east, The entrance is on the south side of the street (there is a big sign outside)which says Firemans Rescue Center (also a traffic signal which allows you to turn in). When entering, go left then right and whebyou get to the parking lot go right. Look for a wheelchair ramp. PARK. Be aware that the front of the lot can flood in a heavy rain. In the building, look for the EOC signs and arrows. CARL also mentioned a new term phrase invented by the amateurs. "I dont have the time". They dont have the time for anything, and this is supposed to excuse the situation. Perhaps its a virus that is raging through South Florida. Our biggest problem is getting the man power tp do something. We used to do the Orange Bowl Parade which needed a lot of manpower, we dont do it any more. We have a Kyack Race Coming up in October in which we need manpower. WILL WE GET THEM??? IS AMATEUR RADIO DYING BECAUSE THE AMATEUR DOESN'T CARE ANY MORE. I am told that this situation is mainly endemic here in South Florida, the rest of the country still has some pride. We need more people willing to chair an event, and not have the same ones doing it all the time. You can gain a lot of experience in managing affairs, meet people, we need people to manage shelters, and you can also learn how to talk on the air. RAY KD4BBM We all know that music is forbidden in ham radio, BUT, do you know you can transmit music only if it is digital. (new FCC Rule). Perhaps we can devote some of our resources toward operating a ham repeater frequency with musc designed only for amateurs. Sounds interesting. TRY MP3 for a sample of digital music. Are you all aware that amateur radio is more than just talking on the air. If we want to keep our frequencies, we better start thinking and doing. There is APRS, PACKET, SSTV to name a few. LEE N4TCW our club president has made a personal gift to ARPSC in the amount of $500. On behalf of the membership I would like to thank Lee for his generosity. This was truly a great deed. CARL presented LEE with a certificate of thanks from ARPSC. CARL, we are going after incorporation, then we can talk to the business people and get some donations of money from them. You need incorporation to do this. We can save on sales tax too. By incorporating, we can go after grants (we have some very good grant writers in our groups. We need antennas for the schools, and the old radio room needs a few things. Our expenses are increasing every year. REPEATER REPORTS 147.000 JOHN KU4GY Repeater works ok. We need an antenna party to get an antenna up. It is time to renew our contract with Channel 6. 146.760 RAY KD4BBM works OK. We have to see why NOAA can turn our repeater on, but does not transmit its information. When I get some time I will look into it. 444.200 CARLKA4HLO Still working. 925 machine is back on the air. Still some problems. Also the 147.315 is on the air, Pl 94.8 Good repeater with good range. The subject of linking came up again. Carl would like to see a lint to Orlando. No sense in a link to Monroe, broward, or West palm beach, being as the 147.000 gets there very nicely. We shouldn't go anywhere that our repeaters have a footprint into. SAM KQ4MR Told of the repeater links that he has been on, especially the one that links you into three states. When it comes to linking, we are somewhat remiss. There was a request made by RAY KD4BBM that all members access and update their call signs with their e-mail addresses. This would make it easier during a disaster to reach the amateurs. We have a few amateurs who help us when it comes time to work on towers, or install equipment. Its always the same few, and to these hams we would like to say a BIG THANK YOU. We had a tour of the new EOC. The PIT is hereafter called the "OPERATIONS CENTER". THE television MONITORS, ALL 12 OF THEM, were on. Some of them had broadcast TV on, but no sound. On each monitor was an extension numer you can dial and hear whats going on. Our next meeting is August 14, right here at the NEW EOC. It would be nice to see many more attend the meetings. It is your club, and you should take an interest. In September, dues will again be due. I would like to get a roster out to the members, but as yet I have not received any information on who has paid their year 2000 dues. JOE CHWICK AC4TV SFFMA NEWSLETTER EDITOT
SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER JUNE 2000 PRESIDENT LEE CIERESZKO N4TCW VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL SECRETARY JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY DIRECTORS SAM HARTE KQ4MR 00-02 JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ OUR JULY 10 MEETING WILL BE AT THE NEW EOC A7 7:30Pm Meeting was called to order at 7:45 Pm by JASON SWIFT KE4KYY with 15 present. This was to be a short meeting due to the program that will follow the meeting. There was an introduction of those present. Jason reported that the Picnic almost broke even. A lot of people were served, and Lee had to run out to buy some more food a few times. It was a very nice picnic, and the weather was just right. We suggest that the picnic be held about the same time, next year. The treasurer, SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK gave his financial report and we are happy to say that the club is financially sound. We do owe some insurance payment, so a motion was made by JASON and seconded by JOE AC4TV to pay the bill. Motion passed unanimously. We must inform you that this was absolutely the last meeting at the old EOC. SAM KQ4MR is trying to make arrangements at the DAVE and MARY ALPER JCC for spae to have the meeting. Nothing as yet decided. LEE and JASON are working to get a meeting room in South Miami. We must keep inmind that the membership base is in South DADE, and moving the site to far North, will hurt attendance and membership. As soon as we ind out where we will meet, you will be the first to know. REPEATER REPORT the 147.000 is working fine. The repeater had a PA problem, which fortunately was inexpensive to repair, and If we dont work it to death, it should last a long time. The repeaters are not easy to get to being up on the CH 6 tower, so we should use it judiciously. The range is excellent, we get as far as the lowerkeys, but we cant receive any communications from there. It is recommended that we put up a special antenna to correct that. RAY KD4BBM reports The 146.760 works fine. We have hopes to link the 76 with 6m, and 440 frequency. JASON recommends we have a Technical meeting very soon to iron out some of the problems. CARL KA4HLO the 220 is ok, no one ever uses it. I know we need a controller, and as soon as the New EOC is worked out, he will take care of it. FIELD DAY, as of now it doesn't look like we are going to have one. At this point due to the time, the meeting was set aside for the main program of the night. +++++++++++++++++ We had TOM MURRAY and RUSTY PFOST of the National Weather service as our guest speakers. Both work for the NWC out of the Miami office at the Hurricane Center at FIU in Miami.The topic of the program was The SKYWARN program. Florida has a rather large share of the tornado's that ocur every year. Maybe not as violent as those in the TORNADO ALLEY, but people do get killed and property damages run into the millions of dollars. It is rare that we ever get F4 tornadoes, but we have had some bad F3's. (120 mph winds) Some real bad ones with fatalities and lots of damage occurred in DADE 1925, 1926 in Palm Beach, 1956 in Broward, 1958 in Palm beach, 1959 in DADE, 1965 in broward, and many more in the ensuing years, in fact in Dade in 1997. Mr Murray says that a HAM presence at the NWC is desperately needed. Right now they dont have any. As in the hurricane center, it would be great if tornado reports can be called in so they can track them on radar. The life span of a tornado is relatively short and difficult to spot on radar. But with the newer dopple radar, we have made breakthoughs in traking. In fact this is the purpose of this meetings, to get tornado spotters who can communcate with the NWC, so we know where to look for them. Also it can save lives by enabling instant awareness to the populace so they can take shelter. We recommend that everyone have a NOAA radio to alert them to danger, in fact, they should be as numerous as smoke detectors. There are those that will alert you when they maybe in Broward, but there are more sophisticated ones that can alert you when they are in your zip code area. It depends what you want to pay for them. Fortunately, the 146.760 repeater is alerted by the NWC as starts transmitting data as soon as it is triggered. It was also stated that if you tune to Channel 2 and watch the picture, when a tornado is near, the picture gets quite snowy. Also it was observed, that on a warm humid winter day with an approaching cold front , can trigger Tornadoes. Thanks to the newer DOPPLER RADARS, early precise warnings can be given. BUT it still takes human spotters to make the system work. What is needed are spotters, but you have to know what to look for. The NWC does give training sessins for this. In fact those who were at the meeting became Skywarn observers, and will be mailed their authorization. The first thing to observe, is your own safety first. The trick is in observing the clouds and interpreting their meaning. A tornado to be born, needs MOISTURE, INSTABILITY AND SHEAR. Shear causes lift and starts an up/down circulation going. The tornado will begin up in the sky and may work its way down to touching the ground (causing damage) and then going back into the clouds. Unfortunately, in florida we dont have adequate shelters for tornados and hurricanes. We have to realize that our building code does not work, and we have to look out for our own good. If I ever have to build again, I most certainly will create a concrete and steel safe room. We were shown a video on the different cloud formations. ie. Anvil, barberpole, wall clouds. We have all seen some of these cloud formations. Seeing one doesn't mean a tornado, but it can. At the end, I will list some websites where you can access NWC and see some of these pictures. Supposing you were watching a cloud formation of a storm that is building and about to pass overhead, and you noticed a hooked portion at the bottom come down and head toward the ground. Would you know what you saw, and who would you call? You just saw a tornado come to life and head down to the surface to do damage and worst. Know it or not, you became a tornado spotter, and you would call the National Weather Center. The call is free. 1-800-850-5058. You would tell them where you are, and the direction you are looking. Also what you are seeing, estimate distance and direction storm is moving, wind speed where you are. Remember, Your Safety comes first. At the weather center, your informstion would be checked out on radar. This is important to your weather people in understanding tornadoes. As a spotter, you will be exposed to dangerous weather conditions. One of them is lightning. In a tornado conditon there will be lightning and you must not make yourself a target. Dont stand under a tree, in fact dont make yourself the highest object in your vivinity. Get down on the ground and crouch up into ball. You should also seek shelter inside a building or your automobile. If you are in your home when a tornado arrives, TAKE SHELTER!!! IF YOU HAVE A CELLAR OR A SAFE ROOM , get there. You can get under a sturdy table , or an inside room, or in a small room, or in a doorway. If the storm is an F4 or F5, the best for safety is a cellar. We have all seen pictures of the big ones, and we know what can happen. The sooner you call, the sooner the alarms can be triggered, and the sooner people can take shelter. This can mean the difference between life and death. There are NOAA radios available that tcan be triggered on by NOAA. As I said, if you are tuned to the 146.760 repeater, you will hear the emergency bulletins as soon as they are sent. Look at the features of the radio, Some will alert in a wide area, not necessarily yours, and the better ones can be made to trigger in your zip code area only. WIND SPEED ESTIMATES 25 to 31 MPH----large branches in motion, whistling telephone wires. 32 to 38-----Whole tree is in motion 39 to 54----Twigs break off, walking is difficult. 55 to 72----Damage to antennas, shallow trees uprooted 73 to 112--broken windows, roofs damaged, trailers overturned 113+ Roofs tornoff houses, large trees uprooted, weak buildings and trailers destroyed. NOAA WEATHER FREQUENCIES METRO DADE AND BROWARD--------162.550 (khb 34) EASTERN PALM BEACH/NE BROWARD--162.475 (KEC50) WEST PALM/GLADE/E HENDRY-----162.400 (WXM58) COLLIER/MONROE/W.HENDRY-----162.525 (WWG92) WEBSITES FOR SPOTTERS glossary for storm spotters NWS HOME PAGE National SKYWARN HOMEPAGE STORM SPOTTERS GUIDE JOE CHWICK AC4TV SFFMA NEWSLETTER EDITOR SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER MAY 2000 DUES FOR THE YEAR 2000 ARE DUE NOW. $30 for renewal plus $5 per licensed household member.MAIL TO SCOTT KF4FIK TREASURER SFFMA POB 430025 MIAMI, FL 33243-0025 PRESIDENT LEE CIERESZKO N4TCW VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL SECRETARY JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY DIRECTORS SAM HARTE KQ4MR 00-02 JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ Meeting opened at 7:50 Pm with 16 present. It looks like attendance at meetings is falling. The first order of business was the introduction of those present. A motion to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter was made by JOE AC4TV seconded by RICK N4PBBF, motion passed. Good news is that the 147.000 repeater is back up on the tower and working beautifully. members report is that they were able to get into the repeater from Southern Palm Beach County. RANDY WA2OMT the man power chairman for the March of Dimes would like to than all those who volunteered for the MS walk, for a job well done. RAY KD4BBM asks "Are we really needed for the March of Dimes"? They all have communicators, and cell phones and dont seem to be that interested in our services. JASON-- they are more interested in our logicitc capabilities, the same with the Jr. Orange bowl parade and the Bike tour. But at the Jr OB parade and Tour, we are really needed, and we get a world of cooperation from them. RAY The APRS worked out very well and we should get them ready for the tour. The next big thing coming up is the bikeathon (key largo tour), April 29-30. JASON needs manpower badly and he would appreciate your calling him at 305-291-4346. Jason would like enough volunteers to be able to have two work crews. One for Saturday and one for the Sunday. Well over one thousand riders are expected, which is up from last years event. There are some amnemities for all who volunteer. Saturday night there will be a big beer bash at the campground in Key largo, a live band on stage, a good dinner, beach, great scenery. RALPH KF4HVJ told me to tell everyone that due to their work and volunteering for the MS bike tour that he is able to walk. Ralph has Multiple Sclerosis, and they have done a lot for him and others with MS and other illnesses. We had a big event take place a few weeks ago take place off the coast of Honduras, where a 13 year old boy was whose parent were amateurs from the Netherlands, was critically wounded by gun fire from marauding pirates who frequent that area. The boy was shot in the abdomen and the bullet passed through his kidney and spinal cord. A mayday was picked up on the maritime net 14.300 Mhz and JIM K4TCV, who is a doctor was called upon to keepm this boy alive until help arrived. The good news is that help did arrive in time and the boy was airlifted to Dallas where he will recover, but he will be paralyzed from the waist down, but his life expectancy is good. A lot of the credit goes to Dr. JIM Hirschman K4TCW, who should receive the thanks from all of us. This was a great event for Amateur radio and with what it can do in emergencies. People seen to forget about that.. Unfortunately, the news media is not that generous with anything that concerns amateur radio. How many movies were made about amateur radio, and how many were made about CBers. It seems that the April meeting has marked the end of our meeting at the DADE EOC at Sw 56 St. and 87 Ave. Our president LEE N4TCW and Jason are scouting for a new meeting place. Our picnic will be our May Meeting. Our JUNE meeting will be in a new location. as soon as I get the information, I will pass it on to you. Whatcha doin on Sunday May 7 around 11 Am?? Of course you are going to the SFFMA Picnic. It will be at the Indian Hammocks Park on the west side of 1SW 107 ave, just slightly north of Kendall Drive in Pavillion #5. You will receive mailings about that. Our President LEE N4TCW will torch the steaks. I hope he goes lightly on the Napalm. Come on down and meet everyone. There are many member I haven't as yet met. It would be nice to see you. KU4GY JOHN repeater trustee and coordinator, the 147.000 is up and running and no problems CARL KA4HLO the 440 is working. CARL. We have to put up a new antenna and coax. Could need a work crew. Also we are going to have to put a new equipment cabinet on the Tower for the 147.000. The old one is about rusted through.(we saw pictures taken on the tower). This is going to be quite a job, and I feel that we should hire a professional crew to do it. Its quite a job, first we have to take all the equipment out and lower it to the ground. then remove the cabinet, then put the new one up, and then put the equipment back. It may be too much for our own crew. While we are talking about the tower, channel six ran a phone cable up the tower, and they were gracious enough to leave us a pair, maybe we can put an autopatch in. We were instructed to check on our lease and negotiate a new one with NBC 6. We pay a dollar a year rent. Channel six deserves a lot of credit for promoting amateur radio in the Miami area. THANK YOU CHANNEL SIX, we all appreciate it. RAY KD4BBM we have to try to expand our repeater sites. With the decline in Amateur Radio. we may have a lot of repeater owners decide that they dont want to continue with them, and we should be ready to pick up these sites up for the future. We still need some action pictures of hams in action for the presentation. Respectfully, JOE AC4TV Secretary/newsletter editor APRIL 22, Our 147.000 repeater is back on the tower. The cabinet is dangerously corroded and will be replaced. This is an expensive job. If we put back a steel cabinet, the corrosion will again be a problem in a few years. So, we will replace the cabinet with on made of aluminum. The cabinet also houses the 442.350 repeater. Due to the sheer magnitude of changing a cabinet, it has been decided to get a professional outfit to do the job. All the equipment will have to be removed and lowered to the ground, remove the old cabinet and lower it to the ground, and them lift the new cabinet into place, and replace the equipment. We feel that this might be a dangerous job for our member crew, even though they are quite capable of handling this job. I would like to provide the membership with an updated CLUB ROSTER, however, I have not as yet received an updated list of who have paid their dues. Testing for the past three months has been quite hectic. In both Miami sites, testing has risen about 700 percent. At the EOC last week, (april 15) we had close to forty who upgraded under the new rules. I must commend the VE's for the excellent job they have done through all this. We hope this will open the gates to a rush for NEW ham licenses. Unfortunately, the new books for study has not as yet been put on the market, with the exception of W5YI who does have them. We have upcoming April 29-30 the Key Largo Breakaway Bike Tour. According to Jason who is manpower chairman, we expect about one thousand bikers to participate in this two day affair. Getting enough people to work this has been a problem. Jason would like enough volunteers so that no one has to work more than one day. The tour will leave from MetroZoo to the Key Largo camp ground on the 29th and return to MetroZoo on the 30th. COMING NEXT SUNDAY MAY 7 WILL BE THE ANNUAL SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION PICNIC WHICH WILL BE HELD AT THE INDIAN HAMMOCKS PARK IN KENDALL. THE PICNIC STARTS AT 11 Am UNTIL 3 Pm. THE LOCATION WILL BE THE SAME AS LAST YEAR, IN PAVILLION 5. THE PARK IS LOCATED ON SW 107 AVE BETWEEN KENDALL DR AND SUNSET. ENTRANCE IS ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE STREET. DRIVE AROUND ALMOST THE ENTIRE PARK TO REACH THE SITE. ON THE MENU, THERE WILL BE STEAK CHAR BROILED TO PERFECTION BY MASTER?? CHEF LEE N4TCW. THERE WILL BE ALL THE TRIMMINGS AND SOFT DRINKS. THERE IS A $5 FEE PER PERSON WITH A CAP OF $15 FOR A FAMILY OF THREE OR MORE. RIGS WELCOME. REMEMBER THE DATE, MAY 7. Joe Chwick Secretary
SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2000 THIRD NEWSLETTER FOR THIS MILLENNIUM DUES FOR THE YEAR 2000 ARE DUE NOW. $30 for renewal plus $5 per licenced household member.MAIL TO SCOTT KF4FIK TREASURER SFFMA POB 430025 MIAMI, FL 33243-0025 PLEASE PRESIDENT LEE CIERESZKO N4TCW VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL SECRETARY JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY DIRECTORS SAM HARTE KQ4MR 00-02 JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION MEETING OF MARCH 13 2000 at the Dade EOC. Meeting opened at 7:50 Pm with 21 members present. The first order of business was the introduction of those present. A motion to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter was made by SAM KQ4MR and seconded by JOE AC4TV motion passed. The next order of business was the treasurers report made by SCOTT KF4FIK. The club is financially alright at present, but we are looking ahead to some heavy expenses. Scott has closed out the money market and transferred the funds to the checking account. A motion to accept the report was made by Sam and seconded by Joe. The motion passed. A motion by Sam KQ4MR to extend our insurance coverage to all members engaged in any amateur radio project or activity. This is for the Key Largo Breakaway, March of Dimes, the Orange bowl Parade, The Boy Scout Jamboree, picnic, Testing at the testing sites, Youth Crime watch relay, Multiple Schlerosis and CERT, in fact, any event that the club membership does participate in . Motion seconded by JOE AC4TV. Unanimously passed. Coming up on March 18 is the BOY SCOUT Jamboree at the PRO PLAYER stadium. SAM and LEE N4TCW will be engaged in amateur radio demonstration for the Scouts. Lee will bring his vehicle and equipment as will Sam. The Key Largo Breakaway for MS is slated for the 29 th and 30 th of April. This promises to be one great bike race. The breakaway is a two day event with a sleepover\beer party\food in Key Largo. In the past everyone has had one great time, and this year it will even better. The manpower chairman JASON KE4KYY says we need some more volunteers. If you need a radio, some arrangements will be made. Last years communications were a success, and this year we will more or less do the same way. This year the sponsor of the event will be in the commandpost with Jason, so if anything occurs, the solution is there. alets hope for a nice weekend, and perhaps a little cooler? The 147.000 has been repaired and is now at the EOC for a "burn in" period, which is to see if it will work, and to locate any malfunctions so it can be corrected before it is re-installed on the Channel 6 tower. As I said earlier, its not so easy to get up on that tower. A big THANKS to GEORGE KERLEY W4TX for installing the new controller on the double 00. George is the trustee for the 443.250 repeater. We can look forward to its return to regular amateur use shortly. There is some talk about a new cabinet for the repeater. Because of its location, it takes a beating with corrosion. An all aluminum (aircraft metal type) would be ideal, but expensive. The 146.760 is also working fine, The trustee is Ray Vaughan KD4BBM. The 442.400 is working fine. The 220 repeater and the 146.760 will soon be cross linked. The 1.2 ghz repeater is not working. The Club Picnic will be held Sunday MAY 7 at the INDIAN HAMMOCK PARK from 11 Am till 3Pm. The menu will be steak and all the goodies that make up a picnic. As has been our desire, the Members of the America Radio Club will be our guests. There will be a Five dollar fee per person. The place will be the Indian Hammocks Park located between KENDALL DRIVE AND SUNSET. YOU CAN ENTER THE PARK ON sw 107 ave on the west side of the street, or on SW 117 Ave on the east side. We will be in Pavillion 5. Bring a radio if you so wish. Come on down and meet your friends. The new EOC will open toward the end of April. We are going to have to find a new meeting place and testing site. ANY SUGGESTIONS?? Our program for the evening was all about antennas. DRAYTON HANNA KF4AME and LEE CIERESZKO N4TCW were the speakers. Both are taking electronic courses. The first antenna discussed was the "DIPOLE". This is the simplest antenna to construct as it is just two pieces of wire. Works well and can be center fed of end fed. An antenna tuner is a must if it is to be multi bander. Then there were the mag mounts, quarter wave and five eighth wave and a five eighth over a five eighth over a quarterwave. VHF and VHF/UHF types. Then there was a 3 element beam (yagi) sold by MFJ which can be knocked down and set up easily for emergency use. The cost is low and has a gain 0f 8 Dbs. Then we had a vertical antenna (vhf/uhf) which had a 9 Db gain on vhf and 6 on uhf. The antenna had counterpoises on its bottom. The last antenna to be described was a log periodic multibander which is a cross between a yagi and a dipole. It is used for satellite and line of sight use. Proper polarization is a must. Vertical for VHF/UHF and horizontal for SSB. There was no 50- 50. Meeting ended at 9 Pm, refreshments followed. Respectfully JOE AC4TV sec'y Testing for the new restructure has been quite brisk. There are a lot of TECH pluses who took and passed general written and general class hams taking extra written who will finalize their upgrade April 15 or later. There were a few hardy ones who still took 13 wpm and 20 wpm morse. WANTED: It is getting difficult to produce a newsletter with out input from YOU our membership, and readers. It would be appreciated if you would contribute some articles for this newsletter, that will be of interest for amateur radio. Dont forget our April 10 meeting, begins a t 7:30 Pm Wounded Boy Transported to Dallas Hospital NEWINGTON, CT, Apr 3, 2000--Willem van Tuijl--the 13-year-old boy from the Netherlands wounded during a pirate attack off Honduras--is in the US today. The youngster, the son of Amateur Radio operators Jacco and Jannie van Tuijl, KH2TD and KH2TE, was seriously injured by a single bullet on March 28. His father was able to summon help via the Maritime Mobile Service Net on 20 meters. Through contacts with amateurs in the US and elsewhere, the boy and his mother were transported by Honduran authorities to a hospital in La Ceiba, where Willem underwent emergency surgery. "Willem is great," Jacco van Tuijl said this morning. "He's the best kid and he's got enormous willpower." The father said Willem was "talking and smiling" and was aware of his medical situation. "His spirits are very high," he said. Both parents have had little sleep in the past six days and are nearing exhaustion because of their ordeal. They're staying at a Ronald McDonald House about two miles from the hospital. "They're wonderful," van Tuijl said of the McDonald House staff. The Dallas hospital has agreed to accept Willem as a patient and treat him without guaranteed payment. An SBAir Lifeguard aircraft with a medical team from CMC was dispatched from Dallas to Honduras Friday evening, and the boy and his parents arrived in the US early Saturday morning. The arrangement with Children's followed contacts by Haynie's office with the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital--an orthopedic facility that, in turn, recommended Children's--and with US Rep Pete Sessions. "Without Amateur Radio, this would be a story about a boy who died in a Honduran Hospital," said Haynie in an interview with the Dallas Morning News. A fund has been established to assist the family. Donations are invited to Willem Fund, c/o Southwest Bank, 1603 LBJ Freeway, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75234. Local amateurs in the La Ceiba, Honduras, area have said they will cover Willem's hospital expenses there. van Tuijl said the Honduran hospital did a good job of treating his son. The family's 44-foot sailing sloop remains in Roatan. Jacco van Tuijl says family's cat, "Ketchicat," remains aboard. The vessel and Ketchicat are being taken care of by a local marina, which gave the family a month's free dockage. In public statements, both parents have expressed their thanks and gratitude to the Amateur Radio community for their assistance and support. Jacco van Tuijl indicated the family was taking things one day at a time at this point. "It's a big disaster, yes," van Tuijl said, "but he didn't die." The van Tuijls have been cruising various parts of the world since 1995. They obtained their US Amateur Radio licenses during an extended stay in Guam. Last Tuesday, the father and son were in an inflatable dinghy, not far from their 44-foot sailing sloop, anchored behind a reef with a couple of other sailboats in the vicinity some 50 miles off the coast of Honduras. After spotting four or five men from an open wooden boat board his vessel--where his wife was still aboard--van Tuijl and his son headed back toward their vessel. One of the pirates brandished what appeared to be an automatic weapon when they were about 20 yards away. In ensuing gunfire, the boy was wounded in the abdomen and the dinghy was damaged and flipped over, dumping the pair into the water. van Tuijl said the marauders "got nervous" and soon left the scene after taking the damaged dinghy and outboard motor with them. van Tuijl managed to get his injured son, bleeding badly, back on board his sailboat, then got on the radio to summon urgent help. Among those responding was Dr Jim Hirschman, K4TCV, a Miami physician, who was able to provide first-aid advice over the air. Media interest in the story has been high. TV crews and reporters met the boy and his family as they arrived to admit the youngster to Children's Medical Center. A news conference was held this afternoon in Dallas. Rick Lindquist, N1RL Senior News Editor ARRL HQ
SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2000 LAST NEWSLETTER FOR THIS MILLENNIUM DUES FOR THE YEAR 2000 ARE DUE NOW. $30 for renewal plus $5 per licensed household member.MAIL TO SCOTT KF4FIK TREASURER SFFMA POB 430025 MIAMI, FL 33243-0025 PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY VICE PRESIDENT LEE CIERSZKO N4TCW SECRETARY GEORGE ABRAMS K4PAA JOE AC4TV de facto secy TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT SAM HARTE KQ4MR DIRECTORS JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 HECTOR VERGARA AC4SB 97-99 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 SAM HARTE KQ4MR 99 WEB SITE http:/ We regretfully announce the passing of the FATHER OF GEORGE ABRAMS K4PAA Meeting of December 13 1999 at the Miami-Dade EOC opened at 19:45 with LEE N4TCW vice president presiding in the abscense of JASON KE4KYY. Introductions of members and Guest present was the next order of business. Attendance was low with about 14 persons present.. The next order of business was the Treasurers report. SCOTT KF4FIK was absent, but he sent in his report. As this is the last meeting of the Year, a motion was made by RICK N4PBF and seconded by DAVE K4IDN that the treasurer make out a detailed report for the year 1999 for the club examiner HECTOR AC4SB. Motion Passed A motion was also made by JOE AC4TV and seconded by SAM KQ4MR that the minutes be accepted as printed in the newsletter. Motion Passed. Next order of business was the repeater trustees reports. JOHN KU4GY trustee for the 147.000 reports that the repeater that belongs on the tower is still at the EOC awaiting a new controller which has been ordered. RAY KD4BBM trustee for the 146.760 reports that the repeater works well. Autopatch traffic is practically nil. The 1.2 Ghz repeater is not working at present. The 6 meter repeater also is not operable at present, will be taken care of shortly. The 440 repeater needs a controller which has been ordered. Ray will link this with the 760. He needs a stick antenna for the 760 and a yagi for the 440. What is more important is a site. If anyone is aware of an available site, get in touch with RAY. ROBERT KE4MCL trusty for the 220 repeater also needs a controller which has been ordered. A report on CERT was made by JOE AC4TV. We had a training session on Nov 30, Dec 01 and Dec 04. This was a very worthy course for everyone to pursue. The SFFMA has a goodly few who did take this course, but not enough support from the rest of the membership. A new course is planned for March, and all members are asked to participate. Call either CARL KA4HLO 273-6718 or JOE 255-1057 and let them know you are going to this course. We need at least 16 signups to make the giving of the course worthwhile. CHAMP report was given by JOE. On February 26 AND 27 there will be a walkathon relay sponsored by CITIZENS CRIME WATCH OF DADE COUNTY AND YOUTH CRIME WATCH OF AMERICA. THIS RELAY IS A 24 HOUR EVENT. WE ARE GOING TO NEED ALL THE COMMUNICATORS WE CAN GET. THIS IS A MAJOR EVENT WHICH WILL DRAW A LOT OF MEDIA COVERAGE. THIS CAN BE A BIG BOOST FOR AMATEUR RADIO. BEING AS THIS IS A 24 HOUR RELAY WE ARE GOING TO NEED AT LEAST 3 SHIFTS MAYBE MORE TO MAKE IT EASIER ON THE VOLUNTEERS. RICK N4PBF will try to get some publicity from the media prior to the event. IF YOU WISH TO SIGN IN AS A COMMUNICATOR, CALL OR E-MAIL joe AT 305-255-1057 or e-mail to The next report was about the Hamboree which was given by LEE N4TCW. We need more volunteers. The more volunteers we have. the shorter the shifts of those who volunteered, will be. This is an AMATEUR EVENT of ALL the Amateurs. Lets not forget that there will be the Volunteers Dinner on the SATURDAY night of the Hamboree. A suggestion was made to have the treasurer have the club mail POB near his home. The way it is now, he has to travel from Homestead to Mid Miami to get the mail, making it a difficulty. With the box near his home, the mail can be processed sooner and bills paid on time and dues credited to the member. The new officers of the SFFMA were told that next year, we resume with Guest speakers. Our club attendance has suffered because of the lack of speakers. Next came the nominations for the new year of 2000. The committee recommended For Nomination to The Office of: PRESIDENT LEE N4TCW VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT KE4MCL TREASURER SCOTT KF4FIK SECRETARY JOE AC4TV 3 yr DIRECTOR SAM KQ4MR Elections will take place in the January meeting. As is written in the clubs constitution, the out going president will become a one year director. The committee for the nominations was Rick N4PBF, DAVE K4IDN RAY KD4BBM. Nominations from the floor was asked, but no one came forth, and nominations were closed upon a motion made by DAVE K4IDN and seconded by SAM KQ4MR that nominations be closed. Motion Passed Next month we will have another chance for nominations from the floor for the new clubs officers, and also write ins can be made. The new officers elected will assume their offices immediately after the elections. It is recommended to ALL members that they attend the next meeting when the new officers will be elected. A motion was made by DAVE and Seconded by Rick as follows: This is for a change in the By-Laws which will be posted in this newsletter and voted upon during the January Meeting: Amendment to the By-Laws to provide that the first Vice President be known as Vice-president/President elect and a new office known as the second vice president be created. The first implementation shall be for the elections of January 2001. The first vice president elect at that time shall automatically become the president the following year after his first election. Now, this is something for all of us to voice our opinions at the next election. The 50--50 was won by JOHN McHUGH KU4GY. The winnings were returned to the club. Thank you John. A motion was made to adjourn at 2100, motion passed Respectfully Joe Chwick AC4TV SFFMA Newsletter editor Comment on the proposed By-law change. The change must include the language that if the seated president wants to run for the office again, he may do so. This is an important change to our by laws, and as a member of the club, you should be present to voice your opinion. Our new leadership of the South Florida FM Association will be seated at the January meeting. They are going to need all the help we can give them to make the SFFMA a club for all the other clubs to look up to. OUR NEW YEARS resolutions are to resume our program of interesting guest speakers once again and get the membership a lot more involved in the community affairs than they have in the past. Wont you help us?? We are open to suggestions. Getting involved takes a lot less time than you think, and the more members that do get involved means that there is all that less for the others to do. We need more of our members to get involved with CERT, EMERGENCIES, and the many other things that ONLY amateurs can do. We have a Hamboree coming up the first weekend in February. The manpower chairman still needs some more help. Remember, the more help, the less those who already signed up have to work. We also have the CRIME WATCH Walkathon Relay February 26 and 27. You will receive e-mail about this. We need 100 volunteers. NEXT MEETING MONDAY JANUARY 10 2000 JOE AC4TV Newsletter editor.
SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION MEETING AUGUST 9 1999 NEWSLETTER PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY VICE PRESIDENT LEE CIERSZKO N4TCW SECRETARY GEORGE ABRAMS K4PAA DeFACTO SECRETARY JOE AC4TV TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT SAM HARTE KQ4MR DIRECTORS JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 HECTOR VERGARA AC4SB 97-99 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ Meeting opened at 1940 Hrs with 20 members present. After introductions of all those present, the first order of business was a motion by SAM KQ4MR that the minutes be accepted as printed in the newsletter. Motion was seconded by JOE AC4TV and was unanimously passed by those present. Due to the absence of the Treasurer, a report of our finances was not available. The meeting was on the air on the 146.760 repeater, thanks to RAY KD4BBM. Repeater report was the next item of business. JOHN KU4GY trustee of the 147.000 reports that the repeater is still on the bench at the EOC. The repeater will stay there until it is perfectly ready to go back on the tower. The tower is a blessing in that we get such a great coverage, but we pay the price in that it is not easy to get at. This makes it imperative that we are absolutely certain that the repeater is ready to go back up. At present we have a problem of sluggishness on receive, and the suggestion is that we wait a second before we transmit. Problem could be the controller or exciter. RAY KD4BBM: report on the 146.760 We are having a problem with intermittence. I found a cold solder connection on the PC board which may be the problem. we will have to wait and see. The 1.2 Ghz repeater is off the air with a problem. KEVIN W4PCS suggested that a spectrum analyzer be used to see what the sine wave looks like. The six meter seems to be working well. Ray is looking for another receive site for 6 meters. CARL KA4HLO trustee for the 444.200 repeater says that the controller returned to the factory is totally not repairable. Now the paper work to the insurer will have to begin. JASON KE4KYY said that a Technical meeting took place. It was suggested that we print the trustee phone numbers in the newsletters. It was said that this doesn't mean that you can call the trustee during an unreasonable hour to report the machine is down. JASON again, " If you missed the CERT training sessions", you missed a great thing. But don't feel bad, as a new training session will begin in the latter part of September. On a motion by SAM KQ4MR and seconded by JOE AC4TV the following dates suggested were Wednesday SEPT 22 and 29 starting at 6PM TILL 10Pm, and an all day session on SATURDAY OCT 2. (this is a field session at Indian Hammocks Park) were accepted.. If you have a disability that you feel may be a hinderance, BE ASSURED that there is a place for everyone. If there is a difficulty with the dates, let CARL know at 305-273-6718. Communicators are desperately needed, indoors and outside. The indoors would be ideal for those with a disability. If we don't have communicators, it means that every 20 minutes or so, a runner has to be sent to inform net controller of what is going on. Another suggested date is Wed's OCT 6 and 13 and Saturday Oct 16 as the field day. Let CARL know your desires. RAY KD4BBM: MOTION made "Communications 101 for the new members of CERT without radio training should be offered. Perhaps we can get the CERT co-ordinator to use the FM association meeting as a training site for Communications 101". Seconded by GUSTAVO KB4PEZ motion passed. JASON reminded us all that by the time you receive this newsletter, Year 2000 dues will be payable. JASON: We have EOC's that need staffing. In the event of a disaster we are very short handed at the following ; MIAMI EOC, HIALEAH EOC, N. MIAMI BEACH EOC, MIAMI BEACH EOC, HOMESTEAD EOC. Why not sign up for EOC duty,they will have food, shelter, and air conditioning. Call 305-273-6718. Although we had no guest program on schedule, we a very lively discussion on Y2K ensued and will be presented in the next portion of this newsletter. We had a small pot in the 50--50 the total collected was $10 and the $5 was won by RAY BBM and was donated back to the club. Thank You RAY. Meeting ended at 2130 Hrs. ****Y2K ROGER KE4VNN spoke about his view on the Y2K dilemma ROGER KE4VNN reported on the seriousness of Y2K and what may happen. "Roger" I feel that DCAT 4955 should prepare rather extensively for the new millennium. The Y2K poses a problem. No one has ever lived through one, so the consequences are unknown. DCAT will do some extensive training and will stockpile food, water and MONEY, as there may be a run on the banks, and should this happen, the government is ready to declare a bank holiday to prevent the banks from running out of money . It may be a good idea to get some Gold and Silver and diversify your portfolio. Cited was the CASSANDRA PROJECT REPORT and other reports who feel the same about Y2K. "ROGER" I'm very serious about Y2K. If you read these reports, you will see that things will get quite hairy. We the DCAT believe that we are on the verge of a very serious problem, worse than any Hurricane. No one is really ready. We had fifteen years to correct this problem and they kept putting it off for the next generation. Guess what, ITS TOO LATE now. Do you know that nationwide, 911 is only 32 percent ready. Are hospitals ready? Guess what, their billing departments are, but how about the rest of their departments. We have some Y2K dates coming up. August 22 is when GPS will turn over their dates, October 1 is when the United States fiscal 2000 year begins. We should watch these very carefully, as well as 9-9- 99. There are those who are in the know, who predict great hardships due to Y2K. Our news media for some reason does not write too much about this. There have been just a few articles printed by papers and magazines. In a couple of months as Y2K sinks in, there will be a rush on the supermarkets, and food will get scarce. I tell you, we must take this seriously and prepare. Our view is prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. Dear Fellow Hams, We're on the verge of two things, evolution or, extinction. As I see it, ham radio, as you and I know it, won't live to see the year 2100, unless some things change. During the early part through the middle of this century, ham radio rapidly expanded. At some point things died down. Why? What can we do to spark the interest again? Are we willing to make the changes to re-light the fire? Ham radio is responsible for a lot of things we take for granted today; Phone interconnection (hams call them "autopatches"), over the air elctro- cardiogram telemetry (thanks again Dr. Hirschman!!!) and, the pioneering of VHF and UHF technology. I'm not concerned about the commercial labs producing better technology than hams. I'm concerned about what we might be missing out on because kids aren't getting into technology. There's lots of practical experience to be gained through hamming. I'd think an engineer with a degree and, some hands on experience would be much better off than someone who's never played with the medium. Ham radio is an outlet for the hands on aspect. We're raising a bunch of vidiots. The fact that parents use "video baby- sitter" and like techniques is producing apathetic kids who are detached and, lacking social interaction skills. What better way of correcting that problem than putting the kids on the air and talking to other people? I'm not naive enough to think that ham radio would cure the evils of society. Ham radio can make some difference. If the technological possibilities aren't enough, think of the leaders we could develop through the public service we provide. I hear a lot from hams who'll tell me they've paid their public service dues. It's like they're telling me they've retired. How can you retire if you can't pass the buck onto someone else? The need is there. There's great plans for disaster relief programs. I'm concerned about our ability to deliver operators. All this ranting must lead somewhere and, it leads to aggressive recruiting. The beloved "Elmering" method isn't enough. We need desperately to get "Ham Make Ham" off the ground. So far, there's been nothing but great support of the idea. Everyone wants to help out. The concept lacks one key element; someone to implement it. FM Association Members, consider this my four month notice. In four months, I plan to actively pursue bringing the revolutionary concept of Ham Make Ham to life. Since nobody else has risen to the challenge of directing Ham Make Ham, I will. I'll need the club's support and, the members who have offered their expertise. Someone else will need to be president. At the September meeting, I will form a committee, no, a task force, to search for my successor. If you're seriously interested in perpetuating a fine tradition, become active in the leadership of this club. Regards, Jason Swift KE4KYY South Miami, Florida Joe AC4TV SFFMA Newsletter Editor JOE AC4TV: I have volunteered to start the Ham make Ham course. I will let you know via e-mail what goes on with it. We have several problems to iron out before we begin. I have every confidence that this course will be a success. At this time I ask for the names of those whom you know that would be interested in pursuing the Ham make Ham course to work toward a license. My phone number is 305-255-1057. This course will be a crash (cram) course with a lot of studying on the part of the student BEFORE he/she comes to class. Get in touch with me and I will tell you what I expect from the candidate to ensure their passing the exam.
SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER JULY 12 1999 PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY VICE PRESIDENT LEE CIERSZKO N4TCW SECRETARY GEORGE ABRAMS K4PAA JOE AC4TV de facto sec'y TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT SAM HARTE KQ4MR DIRECTORS JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 HECTOR VERGARA AC4SB 97-99 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ Meeting opened at 7:38 Pm with 20 members present. At this time, the members present introduced themselves. Minutes were not read as they had been published in the club newsletter. The treasurers report was read and we are happy to say that the club is solvent. SCOTT KF4FIK treasurer presented bills that are now due for Liability insurance and equipment insurance. Amotion was made by KEVIN K4PCS and seconded by RAY KD4BBM that the bills should be paid immediately. Motion passedunanimously. JOHN KU4GY trusty for the 147.000 reported that the repeater has been shut down due to its interferring with another nearby repeater. The original new repeater which has been undergoing repairs, and a bench test to ensure its stability, will be reinstalled as soon as tests are complete. Installing the repeater before we are sure it will perform properly, may necessitate our having to bring it in again for repair. We must remember that it sits 1500 feet up on the tower, and its not the easiest thing to get to. CARL KA4HLO on the 440 machine, The controller has been sent in to the manufacturer for repairs. As soon as we hear from them, we will know if it can be repaired, or if we may need a new one. RAY KD4BBM, the 146.760 is intermittent. Do not unprogram your Pl. It will be taken care of shortly. NEW AUTOPATCH CODES. members may phone JOE at 305 255 1057, JASON at 305-740-0797. The 1.2 Ghz repeater is not working too well, and the 6 meter is doing fine. JASON KE4KYY wants to know who sweated and scratched on field day. The Everglades had a pretty nice field day, and they meant it when they said everyone is welcome. Their field day was all C.W. The America Radio Club had an elaborate set up complete with a mobile tower, generator and great food, and good people. JOE AC4TV Field day comes at a time of year when we have miserably hot and wet weather complete with blood sucking mosquitos. Evidently ARRL is unaware of Florida weather in June. Wouldn't it be more equitable to have our field day in January or February when the weather is more comfortable? Perhaps we can set our own precedence on this. It would be great if all our clubs would get together on this. We made a start with having our picnic during cooler times. Now lets move on a new Field day in January or February. Any suggestions anyone? The YOUTH FAIR people offered us (the amateur community) a place during youth fair time for the Hams to operate a station, provided it is manned all the time the fair is running. It was pointed out that the last time we did amateur radio at the fair, it was a bust. We couldn't get any cooperation from the amateur community. Those who did show up, stayed only long enough to sign in before they disappeared to see the fair. Again, only the few who do anything for amateur radio were left to do the job. Before we commit ourselves, we must get solid assurances that we the amateurs will support it 100 percent. JEFF KG4CNM the web page is going well. I spent a bit of time labeling the pictures on the web. There are a bunch of new pictures worth seeing. CARL KA4HLO and RALPH KF4HVJ are working on a new member package that is to be given to all examinees who get licensed. Some of the information will be that of the clubs that are available to belong to. The idea is to have a club representative at the testing sessions to hand out the packets. This is NOT only for the FM ASSN, but for ALL THE CLUBS who wish to join in this project. It was suggested that there be a rotation of representatives at these sessions. There are four exam sessions given in DADE per month. A motion was made by RAY KD4BBM and seconded by KEVIN K4PCS that the FM ASSN rep should bring a box or two of donuts to the sessions for the VE's and the examinees. Motion was passed. Coming up this month is CERT (COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM) with sessions on July 21, July 28, and a whole day session on July 31. Those who wish to participate should call CARL at 305-273-6718 Coming in September 18 will be the CYSTIC FIBROSIS KYACK circumnavigation of Biscayne Bay. (KYacks will be provided). There will be two races, one will be competetive, and the other will be for the fun of it. We are going to need a lot of hams for this. It will be like the bikeathon with a first boat and a last one behind the contestants and all the communication support in between. We are going to need a least fifteen communicators. Any one interested can email Door prize of a first aid kit was won by William Coats KF4KBC and the fifty fifty was also won by William Coats KF4KBC who invested his winnings in a membership in the club. A motion was made by JOE AC4TV to reduce the membership fee to twenty five dollars for that night ONLY, seconded by ED K4MAS motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:45 Pm. Our program for the evening was given by ROGER KD4VNN DCAT 4955 team leader on the programs available to ALL of us to improve our capabilities in disasters. The first thing Roger mentioned was the CERT training that will be going on shortly. First session at the EOC on JULY 21 at 6Pm, second session JULY 28 at 6m Pm and the final one on Saturday JULY 28 at 8 Am till 4 Pm. You will receive valuable training on how to React to a Disaster Situation Contact CARL JAGIELSKI KA4HLO Races officer Dade County at 305-273-6718. Special from EDDIE RODRIGUEZ KC4CFK, The RED CROSS invites you to a Bar B Que at tropical Park on July 31 starting at 09:00. ROGER KD4VNN Team leader of DCAT 4955 our guest speaker told us of the training opportunities given by the RED CROSS and GREEN CROSS, available to anyone who is interested in the various steps available for one to reach EMT status and Beyond. The first and necessary step is the Basic training session "Intro to disaster services" available at the RED CROSS. This session will give you the necessary coverage to do the rest of the available courses. RED CROSS PHONE 305-644-1200. (speak to Marion Burns). This course is available to amateur operators who may be assigned to Red Cross shelter duty. There is opportunity through various courses given to work yourself up to EMT status and beyond. Then we have the GREEN CROSS also known as the "NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL" is responsible world wide for health and safety training. They are the ones responsible for OSHA, HAZMAT, and other like organizations. GREEN CROSS PHONE 954-772-4399. The safety council runs many courses daily that can lead to EMT status and beyond. BLUE CROSS and the RED CROSS run a course for first responder, the same course given to all police trainees and a must to reach the EMT status . In fact, both can give you the necessary credits for the EMT. First responder includes training for signs of substance abuse, sunstroke, violence in the workplace, first aid, CPR , and other skills necessary to save lives. There are many opportunities for you to train for excellent positions. The first responder course is also given at MIAMI-DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE on August 26 at the medical campus for a small fee of 115 dollars. This can be done at your convenience. DCAT 4955 will undergo some extensive training between now and 2000 in first responder as a minimum necessary for all members, and all the courses up to EMT. DCAT has been an example for all of amateur radio. They work at upgrading beyond what they need. They put a lot of time and effort and their own money into this. I propose that we all let them know we appreciate it. A WORD OR TWO FROM OUR PRESIDENT, JASON KE4KYY Aug 2 1999 Dear Fellow Hams, The first of the CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) training courses is complete. In this course, we learned some valuable fundamentals of post-disaster emergency response. For instance, can you tell if the gas to a house is on or, off? Do you know the proper usage of a fire extinguisher? If your child was injured and, needed to be transported somewhere, could you do it? Do you know how to stop arterial bleeding? If you answered "no" to any of those questions, CERT training is something I strongly urge you to consider. If you never participate in any CERT activity, the wealth of knowledge gained is unsurpassed. After this training, I'm more confident in my ability to deal with disaster in the community and, my own home. On our final day of training, the range day, we met with some non-ham CERT members. The communicators worked along side the CERT volunteers and, we learned allot from each other. The current mode of operation for the CERT team is, to send ERT's (Emergency Response Teams) out. ERT's primary function is search and, rescue. The ERT Team has at least three members. After a certain period of time (usually 20 minutes) one of the ERT members has to "run" back to the command post to give a status report. On our day at the range, we used radio to give status reports, thus allowingthe whole ERT team to stay focused on transporting the injured. Realize, Fellow Hams, most of these teams DO NOT have communications as you and I do. This means the team working for your neighborhood might be hampered in it's efforts because they're one runner short. This is the opportunity to help out. We're talking about local short distance communications (2m/440?). If each CERT team had just two hams, they're operations could be twice as effective and, equally safer. This program is well organized and, those who participate are serious about their work. If you really want to be involved in post-disaster communications, this is the way to go. I have yet to see an application that better suits ham radio operators than the CERT program. The next course is coming up soon so, if you missed it this time, here's your chance. Regards, Jason E. Swift KE4KYY South Miami, Florida JOE AC4TV SFFMA Newsletter Editor
SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER JULY 12 1999 PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY VICE PRESIDENT LEE CIERSZKO N4TCW SECRETARY GEORGE ABRAMS K4PAA JOE AC4TV de facto sec'y TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT SAM HARTE KQ4MR DIRECTORS JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 HECTOR VERGARA AC4SB 97-99 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ Dear Fellow Hams, At last month's meeting we established the first of what I hope are many CERT (Community Emergency Response Team( training sessions. This sort of effort on our part adds to the solidarity of our partnership with Miami-Dade Emergency Management. We're now deep into hurricane season and, despite filling in one vacant EOC, many remain. Once again, I'll be appealing for operators to go man an air-conditioned station, where they'll likely eat for free during a storm. Does it get any better? Please give Carl a call (305 273-6718) and volunteer to take one of these if you can. Like I said at the last meeting "This is not going away." At our last meeting the American Red Cross was scheduled to do it's presentation. For unknown reasons, the speaker did not make it. We're currently re-scheduling the presentation. For those of you who have been monitoring the great 147.000 saga, we've entered a new chapter. Your president now has everything to mechanically assemble the unit. The trusty trustee, John McHugh KU4GY, will soon complete the wiring and, extensively test the unit. With any luck at all, the Saturday after the meeting will see the final 147.000 in service. During field day, Lee N4TCW and, I visited two field days. At both events we were warmly received. Having been involved in a field day or two in my time, I'm intimately familiar with the sacrifice involved and, salute those who participated. The America Radio Club has a dizzying array of field equipment. As promised, there was a pig. Good food and, radios, what more does a ham need? Robert Cruz KE4MCL took a turn at the ARC mic and, Lee and, I we're invited as well. Those guys were out to win.... Lee and I started at the Everglades club. The Everglades field day proved they're serious when they say "all friendly folk are welcome". Frank and Althea Drewniany (W3AKI and KF4GQC) had their motorhome/smorgass board. The EARC had what appeared to be a tri-bander on a tower and, a few R-7000s. Also of note, EARC was operating mostly CW when Lee and I were there. Maybe next year we can do the SFFMA Field Day? All it takes is effort.........73's all.....Jason Swift KE4KYY Meeting opened at 1940 on Monday June 14,1999 with 24 present. Being as the minutes were sent to all members, the reading was dispensed with. the treasurer's report was not available due to Scott's absense. The first order 0f business was the repeater trustee report. RAY KD4BBM on the 146.760 repeater; it works, but there is an intermittent problem. The six meter repeater has as yet not been coordinated. The 1.2 Ghs machine is not working too well. JASON KE4KYY The 147.000 has a temporary repeater which was loaned to the club by RAY, for which we all thank him. As you may have noticed, there are some problems with it. The repeater that was taken out for repairs is almost ready to be put back. It is undergoing some bench tests to shake out the bugs. It should be back on the tower very soon. CARL KA4HLO on the 444.200, the controller will be shipped back to the repair facility, where it will be determined if its repairable. Talking of the tower, you may have noticed a web address in the format. Thanks to RAY and others, it is now a reality. I will describe in the next portion what you will see. JASON reports that the club is still solvent. Field day is coming up shortly and we have ALL been invited by the AMERICA RADIO CLUB to join them in their Field day June 26 and 27, which will be held at the Carlos Arboleya Park on Flagler and 72 ave. We have also been invited to partake of their food on both days. The Everglades ARC will be at the KOA in Homestead, The DCAT 4955 will be on the hill in Tropical Park. The DADE Young Amateurs will also be in the Park. The HAM MAKE HAM program is almost ready for its take off. This program will be a two day crash course for the No-Code license, followed by an exam. We expect to kick this off in a month or so, and our first group will be some county employees. Anyone who is interested or know of someone, should let us know. Our Adopt an EOC is still in need of volunteers (MIAMI, MIAMI BEACH, HIALEAH, NORTH MIAMI BEACH). We would like to see some of our membership get involved. Everyone of you has been sent an email notice on CERT. (THE COMMUNITY RESPONSE TEAMS). The SFFMA has had twenty of those present at the meeting volunteer to take the course. We need around twenty people to make it worthwhile to run a CERT session. Those taking it must be 18 years or older. Read your email and stay abreast of what is going on. At present there are 15 teams in the field and growing. We as amateurs who are fortunate enough to have a meeting place, and a Testing facility should try to pay back for what we are fortunate to get, by volunteering to take the CERT course.. Those who are interested should call CARL at 305-273-6718. The SFFMA CERT training schedule is as follows. JULY 21 and July 28 from 7 Pm till 11 Pm, and July 31 from 8 Am till 4 Pm.(at the Dade EOC). CARL would like ALL of the DADE County clubs get involved with CERT. A motion was made by JASON KE4KYY for the club to sponsor the Amateur teams that work on the repeaters that belong to the South Florida FM Association, seconded by RICK N4PBF. Motion passed unanimously. SAM KQ4MR Made a motion that the club sponsor the following: seconded by RICK N4PBF 1. The amateur testing at the DAVE AND MARY ALPER JCC 2. The amateur Classes at the dave and mary alper JCC 3. The amateur radio camp sessions at the Dave and Mary Alper JCC. Motion passed unanimously. Next month we will have the DCAT 4955 again to show their GO- BAGS for emergencies. The 50-50 was won by KEVIN W4PCS. The door prize was won by SAM KQ4MR. It was a first Aid kit, which was assembled by LEE N4TCW. Sam donated the kit back to the club for auction. There were a few bids, and SAM made the highest bid and purchased it back from the club. Proceeds went to the SFFMA club. Meeting ended at 2130. Our guests, The RED CROSS failed to show up for the meeting and disappointed us all including some of their employees who came to listen. In Place of the Red Cross, We had RAY KD4BBM show us some of the Pictures that are on the www.SFFMA.NET. The full address is in the opening format. You will like what you will see. I will admit that these pictures are really spectacular, and they made me feel kind of air sick from the height at which they were taken. If you have a fear of heights, working on a tower is not for you. When you will view these pictures, you will realize that All of those members who worked on the channel six tower really deserve an applause for what they did. There is one great picture of RAY's shoe (toe) at the edge of a tower member with the background view of a long drop and all those tiny buildings below. When you realize that the repeater equipment is at 1500 and 1600 feet up, just the thought makes a coward of me. There is no floor that one can stand on, the worker must depend on his safety belt. Ray said one thing that can really sums it all up: You cannot make any sudden moves while carrying heavy equipment. The power supplies are heavy, and when you pass them from one to the other, you must be very careful and not move too fast as you may lose your balance and endanger yourself and others around and BELOW you. You may drop what you are holding, and someone below can be in great danger. Even in passing a tool, great care must be taken not to lose your balance. When you place the tool in the hand, you must get verification from who you are giving it to, before you let go. Then there is a picture of LEE N4TCW sitting on a crossbar with his feet dangling in air. The antennas, if you can make a comparison with what is around them, you realize that some of those bars are three to four inches thick. Then there is the picture of the very top of the tower with the channel six antenna on top. This picture was taken from very close at around 1800 feet. Then take a look at the picture with the cloud below it. Its not everyday you can look at a cloud from above it. Evenj when helicopters fly by, the feeling you get is very odd. By the way, these pictures were taken with a digital camera, some with RAY's new SONY. Then there is the two man elevator, when three go up, one sits on the roof. It takes twenty minutes to go up and fifteen to come down, and much faster if you are careless. The first 100 feet is covered by stairs and ladders, and then comes the elevator. The elevator has gotten stuck a few times, fortunately it wasn't at 1600 feet. Then there are pictures of the GUY wires, when you see them from below, they look straight, but from above they have a belly in them due to their weight. Look at the pictures of the farms and the base of the tower. This tower was built by figures from a computer. Every bit of weight had to be considered before construction. All wind resistance had to be accounted for. Channel six is very particular on what goes up and the weight. The old tower that came down in Andrew, had a lot of antennas on it creating a lot of wind resistance. At the base all the side pieces seem to come together, this actually gives the tower strength. This tower is built of hot dipped steel to deter corrosion and buried in a deep bed of concrete. Our boxes on the tower are really rusted out and must be replaced. It seems that due to the height and the clouds, the salt atmosphere plays the devil with unprotected steel. There is a good shot of WT4X George Kerly who is the tower man at channel 6. and owner of the 442.350 QUESTION, Why dont you put the repeater on the ground level so you dont have to go up everytime something has to be done? ANSWER: Even the hard line that is ONLY a half an inch thick has WIND RESISTANCE AND R.F.losses. Going up THE 1500 feet to the antenna, the signal would be lost. There is also RF to contend with. You dont feel you are sweating as the breeze dries you rapidly, your tissues are losing moisture do to the RF. There was mention of R.F. poisoning danger to those on the tower, with all that RF energy floating aroundThere are some pictures with R.F. interference. This tower is in the Redlands and is part of the NBC network. We should all of us send thanks to channel six for their contribution to amateur radio in Dade County. The 147.000 and the 442.350 are on the tower. The 147.000 runs at 25 watts. AND NO, you dont feel the tower swaying in the wind. ROBERT KE4MCL: For those hams who want a real good magazine for no-coders, should get CQ. It's the best one around. Please keep me informed of any email, phone or address changes. I would like to ask a question of the membership. As a rule, the newsletter is sent a few days before the meeting, By that time some of the information is quite stale. I would like to send the newsletter as soon as it is prepared after the meeting, (about 5 days), and any importance announcements as soon as I get them. Please let me know. OUR NEXT MEETING ON MONDAY JULY12 AT 7:30 Pm Have a good summer and KEEP COOL. Respectfully JOE CHWICK AC4TV Secretary & SFFMA email newsletter editor.