Sept. 2004
Home Up









ANDY PICHS N3PI    01-06



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POB 430028

MIAMI, FL 33243


Meeting was called to order at 19:45 with 26 present.


Ronnie welcomed all to the SFFMA meeting.  The meeting was being broadcast live on the air tonight from the EOC.  This meeting was postponed from last week due to the Hurricane Ivan threat.


The microphone was passed around the room and everyone stated their name and call sign.  Ronnie announced that tonight we have Sam Harte present to speak to us about CHAMP award to be awarded to Ernesto. It will be presented to him at a dinner banquet at the Miccosukee  Dome on Friday, October 1, 2004.  If interested call 305-470-1670.  Tickets are $30.00 per person. 


Ronnie welcomed everyone again.


Last month’s minutes were posted on the web.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Felipe and seconded by Robert.


Repeater update:


Ray spoke about the 146.760.  It is up and running.  The squelch is up high.  Lenny advised of a problem that he was having.  Ray advised that the problem may be where he lives.  The repeater in an emergency will be on emergency powers and ready for use if we need it.


Robert spoke about the 224.220.  The controller is smoked. James gave him the money to fix it but the guy is in New  Port Richie due to the hurricane.  Will get is fixed when he comes back.

Carl spoke about the 444.200.  The controller is down and being repaired.  Should be fixed in about 3 weeks.


Old Business:


Ronnie advised that our guest speaker last month was Jim Lushine.  He woke us up to what we are in for and he thanked him for coming.


Ronnie announced that copies of the new by-laws and copies of the new club applications are up front for those that want them.  He thanked Steve, the membership chairman for his great work.


Ronnie advised that the Melbourne Hamboree was cancelled due to Hurricane Frances. 


Ronnie spoke about our assistance with the Value Jet Memorial Clean-up that took place on Sunday July 25th.  No one has been able to go back and check it out due to the hurricane.  He wanted to know if the weeds had grown back.  If anyone goes buy, let us know.


Randy asked if the club dues were due this month.  He was advised that the by-laws were changed that they are not due Oct 1 – Sept 30 but are due Jan 1 – Dec 31.  Apparently, the by-laws were not actually changed.  Caesar made a motion for the by-laws to reflect that dues are due Jan 1 – Dec 31, seconded by Randy.


New Business:


Ronnie announced that the American Red Cross is still holding classes. If interested, go to their website.


Ronnie advised that Ernesto is working on the new ID’s for the club and will get an update at the next meeting.


Andy advised that Ernesto is at the MS Breakaway meeting tonight.  It was their first meeting.  He should be present at the next meeting and should give us an update.  The dates have changed to the 2nd weekend in April – April 9 and 10. 


Joanne updated everyone on the CERT program.  They now have a newsletter on the county website.  Ronnie said that we will have a link put on our website for those that are interested.


Robert spoke about the Kayak race coming up October 2.  He will make sure of the date.  The turnout is down and he hopes that it will come up.  He will send out an email.


Brian asked about the status of the Hamfest in February.  Carl advised that it will not happen this year.  Notices will go out.


Ray made a comment about the response by our club to the recent hurricanes.  We got lucky.  He was disappointed by the amateur turnout.  There was a real communication problem between Dade County and the shelters.  The County Manager and Mayor had to go to the shelters and apologize to the people.  There were no Hams at the shelters.  We are the communicators.  Harry said that he checked with the Red Cross and he spoke to them everyday to see if they required our assistance and was told that as soon as they need something from us that they will get the word to us.  They never did.  They used 900 mhz.  Carl spoke that the shelters were handled by the American Radio Club.  We got 2 people for 1 special needs shelter.  There are 7 that we did not fill up.  No one could be found.  We are supposed to help the community.  During Hurricane Charley, Harry was on the repeater to keep it clear.  Don was on the 146.925 and it had to be shut down because of problems.  We are supposed to go to help and we need to get involved.  Don said that there are mixed messages.  The repeater is to be cleared.  No traffic. Carl said that Harry is his assistant and he is to make an announcement on the hour so we don’t need to listen to the radio the whole time.  Lenny suggested that we shut it down and let net control take over.  It was suggested that a schedule be set up.  We need people in shelters.  We need the PR to get our clout.  Questions were taken from the members.  Felipe spoke about Coral Gables and their brass being in their RACES Room.  Don questioned the procedure for the EOC radio room.  Ronnie said that there are to be 2 operators at all times manning the radios.  If it was not a serious situation, we would not need someone here 72 hours.  Carl advised that new operational procedures have been set-up.  Annie advised that we were at a risk for tornadoes on the ground and the NWS could not get in touch with the EOC.  That we need to establish guidelines.  Carl advised that they have a direct line to the EOC.  Ray said that the number 1 mission of the Red Cross is to get the vest in front of the cameras.  We should take a cue from the Red Cross and put our ARPSC flags on vehicles, carry a radio and get in front of a camera.  We need to get real good at PR.  Steve thanks everyone that worked the EOC radios.  Ray advised that when he tells an someone to give up the repeater to the RACES officer they should comply.  Carl reminded everyone that every time that you key up, everyone can hear us in the world.

 Ronnie recapped the upcoming events, Kayak race Oct 2 and the CHAMP dinner on October 1 when Ernesto receives his award.  If you want to go, it costs $30.00 per person.

 With no other business, Ronnie announced that refreshments were in the cafeteria.  He thanked everyone for coming.

 The meeting was adjourned at 20:35.


 Joanne Carbana




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