Oct. 2004
Home Up









ANDY PICHS N3PI    01-06



WEB SITE: http:/www.sffma.net




POB 430028

MIAMI, FL 33243


Meeting was called to order at 19:55 with 25 present. 

Ronnie welcomed all to the SFFMA meeting.  The meeting was being broadcast live on the air tonight from the EOC.  

The microphone was passed around the room and everyone stated their name and call sign.  

Ronnie welcomed everyone again and advised that testing was taking place in the cafeteria. 

Repeater update: 

Robert spoke about the 224.220.  Up and running.  He is talking to himself. 

No other repeater trustees were present. 

Last month’s minutes were posted on the web.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Caesar and seconded by Lissette.


Old Business:


Ronnie announced that Ernesto received the CHAMP award.  It is part of the Citizens Crime Watch.  One person in amateur radio that assists the community receives the award each year.  Congratulations to Ernesto. 

Ronnie advised that he has copies of the new By-Laws with the changes and the Miami Dade Hurricane Preparation Guide for anyone that wants one up front. 

It was asked if anyone had checked out the Value Jet Memorial site, no one had gone by because of the hurricanes.  If anyone does, let Ronnie know. 

Ronnie reminded everyone that dues will become due Jan 1, 2005.

 Next, Ronnie spoke about the Holiday Dinner.  We need a minimum of 25 people.  After discussion, we will try to get Saturday, December 11th and if not, we will go for December 4th or 18th.  The exact cost has not been determined yet but he will let us know at the next meeting.  Tickets will be sold at that time.  It will be a honey baked ham dinner here at the EOC in the cafeteria.  Everyone is to bring a dessert.  You need to purchase a ticket prior to the dinner.  You cannot pay at the door.  If you cannot come to the next meeting, you can mail in your money.    All monies will be due by November 30.  He took a head count of those interested.  The information will be posed on the email list.

 Ernesto spoke about the new ID’s for the club.  He is waiting to meet with Carl.  There has been a delay because of the storms and his work schedule.  He has 2 samples and has tested the equipment separately.  He purchased the cards himself out of pocket.  A motion was made by Caesar to reimburse Ernesto for his out-of-pocket costs, seconded by Randy.  Ernesto will submit the receipts for payment.

 Ronnie announced that the American Red Cross is still holding classes. There are new dates for November.  If interested, see Eddie in the back or go to their website.  They are looking for a CB radio that has an antenna already.  Look around to see if you have one and can donate it to a good cause.

 Ernesto spoke about the MS Breakaway to Key Largo.  He is making a change. There will not be 2 net controllers like last year, 1 North and 1 South.  He will check with Carl to have 2 or 3 people here in the radio room as net control.  He will advise of confirmation of the date next week.  He received good comments about the route and it is going to stay the same. 

 Lissette spoke about the walk/run this weekend for Susan Goldman Cancer Foundation.  If interested go to luckylady777@gmail.com.  It is downtown Brickell on Saturday form 7AM to Noon and needs volunteers.

 Robert spoke about the Kayak race. November 20 is the tentative date. He will let us know.

 Regarding the walk-a-thon, John is coordinating it.  He will advise at the next meeting. The date has been changed to accommodate our club and not be a conflict with the Hamboree.

 Joanne updated everyone on the CERT program.   Florida Sert is having a seminar in Lakeland at the Lakeland Center from January 13 - 16.  Contact Joyce Parrish at 863-860-8595 for more information.

 Ronnie advised that the Hamboree is back on as of last Tuesday.  If you are interested in being on a committee, to see Carl.  They are meeting tomorrow for committee assignments.

 A show of hands was taken for those who have UHF or 220 radios.  Ernesto is working on an emergency UHF repeater that could be set up in 15 minutes with a range of 10-15 miles, probably more on 35 watts with a 30-foot antenna.

 New Business:

 James spoke about the Winter Field Day.  It is going to cost too much.  The new plan is Elliot Key the weekend of January 8th.  There are 7 spots open for boats.  It is $25.00 per campsite and 1 slip for 1 boat.  It is $6.00 for other boats.  He is working on boating transportation.  Everyone will meet early at Blackpoint on Saturday.  If it falls through, he will try an island with the City of Miami.  It is not a named island.  It has picnic tables. 

 Dennis donated 4 videos to the club.  We can watch one at a time at our meetings.  South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands; Kingman Reef; The United Story of 5 DXpeditions of the Year; and Voo Dudes 2002 Dxpedition Burkina Faso, West Africa.

 Ronnie advised that due to the past storms, we do not have a guest speaker tonight.

 With no other business, Ronnie announced that refreshments were in the cafeteria.  He thanked everyone for coming.

 The meeting was adjourned at 20:40.

 Joanne Carbana KG4GKU


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