Oct. 2003
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WEB SITE: http:/www.sffma.net

POB 430028
MIAMI, FL 33243

Meeting was called to order at 19:45 with 27 present.

Ronnie welcomed all to the SFFMA meeting. The meeting was being broadcast live on the air tonight from the fire boardroom at the EOC.

The microphone was passed around the room and everyone stated their name and call sign.

The minutes were not posted on the website, so they will be approved at the next meeting.

Repeater update:

Ray spoke about the 444.200 and the 146.76 were up and running. He mentioned the interference from the Hialeah station.

Autopatching was discussed wherein it was a bad idea on 444.200 and on the 146.76 they have the same codes but you would need to get them from someone else.

Robert said the 224.200 was up and running but no one is on it.

Old business:

Ronnie advised that the Melbourne Hamfest on Saturday, September 13 and Sunday, September 14 were one of the best he has been to. Everyone had a good time. Everyone should plan to join us next year. Robert said there were a lot of good deals.

Ray spoke about the CHAMP dinner that was attended to by Carl, Ray, Sam, Sam's wife and daughter, Ronnie, Eddie and Randy Davis. Randy Davis received the Marine Patrol Award. Joanne and Caesar also received an award for their volunteer work with the Miami Lakes Police Department.

The Kayak race is being cancelled for this year for mismanagement on the organizer side not the HAM side. We will try to do another amateur function that weekend since it is now free. Maybe something with a boat trip.

Joanne advised that CERT is coming back on line. Ray advised that there is nothing official yet. Homeland Security is no longer at the EOC as of October 1 and the County has been restructured in this regard. Steve advised that approximately 2-1/2 weeks ago, he was on an on-line chat with the county manager and it was stated that the status of CERT was "back with emergency management".

Ernesto spoke about the ARPSC breakfast at the Chuckwagon at S.W. 104 and 137 Avenue behind the Burger King. It was a success.

Ernesto spoke about the upcoming Miami Marathon. They need a coordinator. If interested contact Ernesto, Jason or Carl. Everything is almost already done, just need to get volunteers and put them in the available spots. Ernesto will assist but will not be the coordinator.

Ronnie spoke about the Holiday Dinner that we had last year at the EOC. This year it will be December 13 and the cost will be $7 or $8 instead of $6 like last year. It was a really nice turnout. More information will be given out at the next meeting. He is going to check with Carl as to the availability of the room and should have a flyer at the next meeting. This year, you must pay in advance at the next meeting or the December meeting - no payment at the door this year.

Ronnie advised that once hurricane season ends, Jason is going to be setting up another SET. He also spoke about field training for the DCAT team with mountain bikes to ride 4 or 5 miles to a designated spot and could be coordinated with other HAMS. Randy Davis said it was a great idea and maybe something could be set up in December/January.

Ronnie discussed the upcoming Americas Business Forum taking place in Downtown Miami on November 17, 18 and 19. We may set up a frequency in case of a situation on simplex if we are needed. Robert suggested that we use a local repeater with good range. Ray said it would be a good idea to avoid downtown Miami that entire week. There is to be a full Level 2 activation that week during the day and a low Level 2 at night. Ronnie said we would use the 147.00 if we get to a Level # and Robert said we could use the 146.76.

Eddie advised that Dade County spoke with the Red Cross to work with the police departments to supply water, etc.

Other potential frequencies were discussed. Ronnie suggested that we set up an email system also. We should have some more information by the next meeting.

Harry has his mobile and home set up on 60 meters.

We temporarily went off the air.

Ray advised not to spread any rumors, only give solid information. He also advised that NASCAR will be here the entire week before this event and ends on the first day of the event.

We went back on the air.

Ronnie spoke about the Boy Scouts Annual Jamboree which is to take place next weekend. We usually play a part, but we have not been asked to do anything this year. Robert advised that the Broward guys have picked it up and ran with it. It is covered.

Ernesto reported on the Bike-A-Thon. Just had their first meeting. Andy also volunteered to help this year. We have secured or spots at the campground and the parking. He discussed the putting out of a brochure early this year. The bike route will be different this year.

New Business:

Eddie advised that on October 15 at the Orange Bowl there is going to be a mock drill. Anyone interested to volunteer should contact Freddy at the Red Cross.

Randy stepped down from coordinating the March of Dimes walk-a-thon. Wendy took it over. He will be available as a consultant and will still volunteer. Everyone thanked Randy for all of his great work.

Harry announced that the Red Cross was having Defensive Driving Course from 2 - 5PM this Saturday to drive their ERBS. Contact Freddy to register.

Ray announced that he as acquired a piece of equipment from the dumpster and we will be able to use at the Ham Fest.

Ernesto gave an excellent and informative presentation on Access Controls. He gave an overview of Access Control Equipment and Technology. He answered questions from those present.

Ronnie reminded everyone that there are snacks in the cafeteria.

The meeting was adjourned at 20:30.

Joanne Carbana

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