Nov. 2003
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MIAMI, FL 33243

Meeting was called to order at 19:40 with 24 present.

Ronnie welcomed all to the SFFMA meeting. The meeting was being broadcast live on the air tonight from the fire boardroom at the EOC.

The microphone was passed around the room and everyone stated their name and call sign.

Ronnie announced that this evening is our annual pizza night for dinner which will take place immediately after the meeting.

Repeater update:

Robert said the 224.200 was up and running but no one will talk to him.

Ray spoke about the 444.200 and the 146.76 were up and running. He mentioned the interference from the Hialeah station.

We have no guest speaker tonight.

The annual Holiday Dinner was discussed for Saturday, December 13, 2003 from 6:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. It will take place here at the EOC. It will cost $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children, and must be paid in advance. Because of the problems we had last year, will not accept payment at the door. You can pay tonight, at the next meeting on December 8, or via mail. The cut-off date is Monday, December 8 after the meeting.

Old business:

Eddie had Harry distribute certificates of appreciation to members for their assistance with the American Red Cross Net.

The Kayak race is being on again. It is being held on November 22.

The American Business Forum for November 17, 18 and 19 were discussed. Communications have been established.

Joanne advised that CERT is back on line. Please sign-up if you have not been CERT certified and wish to do so. The classes will be taught by fire personnel.

Ernesto reported on the Bike-A-Thon. Andy volunteered to work on it with Ernesto. They are re-doing the route. May start at Miami-Dade South and go through downtown Homestead. The course will have a lot of turns this year. It all still needs to be worked out. We have sponsorship and a supporting sponsor. The first tally is that last year we raised $950,000.00 and the checks are still coming in.

Randy spoke about the March of Dimes walk-a-thon since Wendy could not be here tonight. It will take place April 3, the first Saturday in April. The route should be the same.

Arturo spoke about the upcoming Miami Tropical Marathon to be held on February 1st, a Sunday. They need 30 communicators, one for every mile. It is to start downtown Miami by the Inter Continental Hotel and go to Miami Beach. Information is on the internet. Everyone will be picked-up by 12:30 P.M. if you like it or not. Carl spoke that everyone will be out by 12:30 P.M. He passed around a list for everyone to sign-up. We need 30 volunteers.

New Business:

Ronnie spoke about the need for nominating new board members for the club positions tonight and it will be voted on at the next meeting if we have more than 1 person running for a particular position.

Ernesto nominated Joanne for Secretary.
Randy nominated James for Treasurer.
Ronnie nominated Robert at Vice President.
Caesar nominated Ronnie for President and Ernesto nominated Robert.

Then nominations for Ernesto's director slot to be filled were taken.

Harry nominated Randy - he declined.
Andy was nominated by Harry.
Jessica was nominated by Caesar.
Ronnie was nominated by Carl.

All nominations were closed off. Write-in's will be accepted.

James spoke about a GAP antenna he purchased - the Eagle DX. He needs a manual for it. It is not on a website. If anyone can help him it would be appreciated.

It was brought up that January is the time to renew your membership. Joanne has applications for new members.

James advised that he is attempting to obtain approval by the bank for ATM deposits for the club. He will let us know how it goes. He also discussed Pay Pal. It is no cost to set up. Members can pay on-line. They do take a percentage out like a credit card. It would be set up as a convenience to members. You can also pay via mail to the PO Box.

The minutes were not posted on the website, so they will be approved at the next meeting. We are having problems with the posting. Joanne will e-mail to Ray again. Ray wants to obtain a current members list on the website so that we know who is a member and who is not.

Ray spoke about the FTAA on November 17-21. Avoid downtown Miami. Do not sight see. He also mentioned that this weekend will also have NASCAR. This is their largest event. They now have a 23º bank this year so it is must faster. It has been sold out.

Robert announced to check the status page for any road closures for the FTAA. Eddie advised that Team METRO has information on their website. Caesar announced that at there is more information posed on the website. Ray explained that after the Marlin's game let out, people went to 444.200. Go to the frequency and stand by. If necessary, a traffic net will be set up.

Steve spoke about Joe AC4TV and his retirement as a VE. Saturday was Joe's first time not at the EOC for testing. Bob is not the head VE to take Joe's place. Joe had to retire. He is on dialysis and needs our prayers. Ronnie spoke about Joe and his accomplishments. He is doing OK but having medical problems. We hope to see him at the next meeting or he Holiday dinner. Everyone can e-mail him with well wishes.

With no other business, Ronnie announced that we need to go into the other room for drinks and pizza, compliments of the club.

The meeting was adjourned at 20:40.

Joanne Carbana

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