SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2000 PRESIDENT LEE CIERESZKO N4TCW VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL SECRETARY JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY DIRECTORS SAM HARTE KQ4MR 00-02 JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION MEETING DECEMBER 11 2000 CLUB ELECTIONS TOOK PLACE at this meeting. We are very happy to say that the SFFMA made history today in electing the first Hispanic and a woman as president of the club. There was a motion made by SAM KQ4MR and seconded by JOE AC4TV that all unopposed races be selected by a unanimous vote, Motion was passed, UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES ARE ELECTED TO OFFICE. Ballots were handed out to the paid membership, and voting proceeded. The following are the results for the year 2001 Club Officer election. The elections had a little drama associated with it as we had a tie vote in the race for vice president due to having two candidates. According to our by-laws we immediately had a revote with the same results, an another tie vote was cast. The race was between RONNIE HAIK AND ROBERT CRUZ. At a suggestion from SAM KQ4MR, Ronnie and Robert went outside for a talk between themselves and came back with a solution. They decided that being as ROBERT KE4MCL had been the previous VICE PRESIDENT, Robert would concede and withdraw from the run and RONNIE KF4IDB would be elected vice president. There was a motion made by SAM KQ4MR and seconded by JOE AC4TV that all unopposed races be selected by a unanimous vote, Motion was passed. Ballots were handed out to the paid membership, and voting proceeded. The following are the results for the year 2001 Club Officer election. PRESIDENT: MARGARITA MESONES-MORI KF4NZG VICE PRESIDENT: RONNIE HAIK KG4DBI TREASURER: JOE KALLAHER KG4GTS SECRETARY: JOE CHWICK AC4TV 3 YEAR DIRECTOR: KEVIN SCANLON W4PCS 01-03 With this meeting we also are going to lose the DCAT 4955 team leader BRYAN BAILEY KDEVMQ who is entering the US army for a four year stint. We will all miss you Bryan GOOD LUCK and BEST WISHES from us all. And to our outgoing officers LEE N4TCW and ROBERT KE4MCL and SCOTT KF4FIK, Thank you for a Job well done. LEE N4TCW has contacted the people at the INDIAN HAMMOCKS park and made arrangements for our PICNIC, the day is SUNDAY MARCH 25. 11 Am till 3Pm. As yet we are not aware what pavilion we will occupy. The MENU this year will be Hamburgers, (beef and turkey), and vegetable hamburgers, PLUS Hot Dogs. Also all the trimmings that go with a picnic. Cold Drinks, potato salad, cole slaw, pickles etc. The fee is $5 per person in advance, $15 FOR A FAMILY OF THREE OR MORE and $7 PER at the picnic. Tickets for the picnic will be available at the ARPSC BOOTH at the Hamboree and at the March SFFMA Meeting at the EOC.. JASON KE4KYY is throwing in an incentive, He will give the lucky ticket holder an article he referred to as gear in a drawing at the picnic. The picnic will be at the INDIAN HAMMOCKS PARK on SW 107 ave between SUNSET and KENDALL Dr. The meeting began with an introduction of those present. We had 26 present. Being as SCOTT was not present, no treasurer report was given. The minutes of the meeting was sent to all via our newsletter. Repeater report was given by JOHN KU4GY on the 147.000. It's running well except for some rather heavy interference emanating from a building on SW 62 street and RED Road. It is not intentional, perhaps from a faulty piece of equipment. He asks you to go past the building and see if you can localize it.. John is also building a tracking device to help eliminate some of those foul individuals who interfere with the repeater intentionally. He asks all not to engage them in conversation as this encourages them them to continue. JUST IGNORE THEM TOTALLY. JASON KE4KYY who is the manpower chairman for the Hamboree needs help, ESPECIALLY the THURSDAY AND FRIDAY before the Hamboree opens. Call him at 305-582-3514. SAM KQ4MR On APRIL 28, THE ANNUAL SCOUT show will be held at the PRO PLAYER stadium. Starts at 8 Am till 4 Pm. Our location will be more centrally located and the scouts will have to pass us. Perhaps we can get the RED CROSS communications vehicle. We will need literature from the ARRL for distribution to the scouts. We will have to pay for shipping. APRIL 7: The March of Dimes Walkathon and the last weekend in april is the KEY LARGO BREAKAWAY, THE JOHN PENNEKAMP PARK will be the goal in Key Largo. We will have a larger parking area with more security than where we had it in the past. A situation arose concerning the rights of an honorary member of the club. In ARTICLE 3. section f, it states "honorary membership may be conferred upon an adult who shall have rendered notable service to the association. Nomination shall be upon the signed recommendation of one member, seconded by another member. Election shall be by a three fourths vote by ballot at the annual meeting. An honorary member shall have none of of the obligations of membership in the association, but shall be entitled to all of the privileges except those of making motions, of voting, and of holding office." Respectfully JOE CHWICK AC4TV SECRETARY Meeting announcement NEXT MONDAY JANUARY 08 THE SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION WILL HAVE ITS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING AT 7:30PM AT THE EOC. THIS MEETING WILL BE THE ONE WHERE THE NEW OFFICERS OF THE CLUB WILL BE ELECTED FOR THE YEAR 2001. IT IS AN IMPORTANT MEETING, SO ALL MEMBERS SHOULD ATTEND. THE SLATE OF CANDIDATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PRESIDENT MARGARITA MESONES KLF4NZG VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL, AND RONNIE HAIK SECRETARY JOE CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER THIS POSITION WAS FILLED THREE MONTHS AGO |