SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2000 LAST NEWSLETTER FOR THIS MILLENNIUM DUES FOR THE YEAR 2000 ARE DUE NOW. $30 for renewal plus $5 per licensed household member.MAIL TO SCOTT KF4FIK TREASURER SFFMA POB 430025 MIAMI, FL 33243-0025 PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY VICE PRESIDENT LEE CIERSZKO N4TCW SECRETARY GEORGE ABRAMS K4PAA JOE AC4TV de facto secy TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT SAM HARTE KQ4MR DIRECTORS JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 HECTOR VERGARA AC4SB 97-99 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 SAM HARTE KQ4MR 99 WEB SITE http:/ We regretfully announce the passing of the FATHER OF GEORGE ABRAMS K4PAA Meeting of December 13 1999 at the Miami-Dade EOC opened at 19:45 with LEE N4TCW vice president presiding in the abscense of JASON KE4KYY. Introductions of members and Guest present was the next order of business. Attendance was low with about 14 persons present.. The next order of business was the Treasurers report. SCOTT KF4FIK was absent, but he sent in his report. As this is the last meeting of the Year, a motion was made by RICK N4PBF and seconded by DAVE K4IDN that the treasurer make out a detailed report for the year 1999 for the club examiner HECTOR AC4SB. Motion Passed A motion was also made by JOE AC4TV and seconded by SAM KQ4MR that the minutes be accepted as printed in the newsletter. Motion Passed. Next order of business was the repeater trustees reports. JOHN KU4GY trustee for the 147.000 reports that the repeater that belongs on the tower is still at the EOC awaiting a new controller which has been ordered. RAY KD4BBM trustee for the 146.760 reports that the repeater works well. Autopatch traffic is practically nil. The 1.2 Ghz repeater is not working at present. The 6 meter repeater also is not operable at present, will be taken care of shortly. The 440 repeater needs a controller which has been ordered. Ray will link this with the 760. He needs a stick antenna for the 760 and a yagi for the 440. What is more important is a site. If anyone is aware of an available site, get in touch with RAY. ROBERT KE4MCL trusty for the 220 repeater also needs a controller which has been ordered. A report on CERT was made by JOE AC4TV. We had a training session on Nov 30, Dec 01 and Dec 04. This was a very worthy course for everyone to pursue. The SFFMA has a goodly few who did take this course, but not enough support from the rest of the membership. A new course is planned for March, and all members are asked to participate. Call either CARL KA4HLO 273-6718 or JOE 255-1057 and let them know you are going to this course. We need at least 16 signups to make the giving of the course worthwhile. CHAMP report was given by JOE. On February 26 AND 27 there will be a walkathon relay sponsored by CITIZENS CRIME WATCH OF DADE COUNTY AND YOUTH CRIME WATCH OF AMERICA. THIS RELAY IS A 24 HOUR EVENT. WE ARE GOING TO NEED ALL THE COMMUNICATORS WE CAN GET. THIS IS A MAJOR EVENT WHICH WILL DRAW A LOT OF MEDIA COVERAGE. THIS CAN BE A BIG BOOST FOR AMATEUR RADIO. BEING AS THIS IS A 24 HOUR RELAY WE ARE GOING TO NEED AT LEAST 3 SHIFTS MAYBE MORE TO MAKE IT EASIER ON THE VOLUNTEERS. RICK N4PBF will try to get some publicity from the media prior to the event. IF YOU WISH TO SIGN IN AS A COMMUNICATOR, CALL OR E-MAIL joe AT 305-255-1057 or e-mail to The next report was about the Hamboree which was given by LEE N4TCW. We need more volunteers. The more volunteers we have. the shorter the shifts of those who volunteered, will be. This is an AMATEUR EVENT of ALL the Amateurs. Lets not forget that there will be the Volunteers Dinner on the SATURDAY night of the Hamboree. A suggestion was made to have the treasurer have the club mail POB near his home. The way it is now, he has to travel from Homestead to Mid Miami to get the mail, making it a difficulty. With the box near his home, the mail can be processed sooner and bills paid on time and dues credited to the member. The new officers of the SFFMA were told that next year, we resume with Guest speakers. Our club attendance has suffered because of the lack of speakers. Next came the nominations for the new year of 2000. The committee recommended For Nomination to The Office of: PRESIDENT LEE N4TCW VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT KE4MCL TREASURER SCOTT KF4FIK SECRETARY JOE AC4TV 3 yr DIRECTOR SAM KQ4MR Elections will take place in the January meeting. As is written in the clubs constitution, the out going president will become a one year director. The committee for the nominations was Rick N4PBF, DAVE K4IDN RAY KD4BBM. Nominations from the floor was asked, but no one came forth, and nominations were closed upon a motion made by DAVE K4IDN and seconded by SAM KQ4MR that nominations be closed. Motion Passed Next month we will have another chance for nominations from the floor for the new clubs officers, and also write ins can be made. The new officers elected will assume their offices immediately after the elections. It is recommended to ALL members that they attend the next meeting when the new officers will be elected. A motion was made by DAVE and Seconded by Rick as follows: This is for a change in the By-Laws which will be posted in this newsletter and voted upon during the January Meeting: Amendment to the By-Laws to provide that the first Vice President be known as Vice-president/President elect and a new office known as the second vice president be created. The first implementation shall be for the elections of January 2001. The first vice president elect at that time shall automatically become the president the following year after his first election. Now, this is something for all of us to voice our opinions at the next election. The 50--50 was won by JOHN McHUGH KU4GY. The winnings were returned to the club. Thank you John. A motion was made to adjourn at 2100, motion passed Respectfully Joe Chwick AC4TV SFFMA Newsletter editor Comment on the proposed By-law change. The change must include the language that if the seated president wants to run for the office again, he may do so. This is an important change to our by laws, and as a member of the club, you should be present to voice your opinion. Our new leadership of the South Florida FM Association will be seated at the January meeting. They are going to need all the help we can give them to make the SFFMA a club for all the other clubs to look up to. OUR NEW YEARS resolutions are to resume our program of interesting guest speakers once again and get the membership a lot more involved in the community affairs than they have in the past. Wont you help us?? We are open to suggestions. Getting involved takes a lot less time than you think, and the more members that do get involved means that there is all that less for the others to do. We need more of our members to get involved with CERT, EMERGENCIES, and the many other things that ONLY amateurs can do. We have a Hamboree coming up the first weekend in February. The manpower chairman still needs some more help. Remember, the more help, the less those who already signed up have to work. We also have the CRIME WATCH Walkathon Relay February 26 and 27. You will receive e-mail about this. We need 100 volunteers. NEXT MEETING MONDAY JANUARY 10 2000 JOE AC4TV Newsletter editor. 05/09/05 |