SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2000 PRESIDENT LEE CIERESZKO N4TCW VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL SECRETARY JOSEPH CHWICK AC4TV TREASURER SCOTT POWERS KF4FIK PAST PRESIDENT JASON SWIFT KE4KYY DIRECTORS SAM HARTE KQ4MR 00-02 JOE CHWICK AC4TV 99-01 RICK VAHAN N4PBF 98-00 WEB SITE http:/ SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION MEETING DECEMBER 11 2000 This is the last newsletter for the year 2000. If you remember, we entered 2000 with the fear of what the new millennium will bring. Well, all our fears were for nought. Here we are entering the year 2001 with a new president of the United States, whoever he may be, a new EOC and a new slate of officers for the SFFMA, who ever they may be. Further in this newsletter you will read the suggested slate of officers. It would be nice if the attendance at the meeting on January 08 2001 will be well attended, as will the meetings for the rest of the year. Todays meeting began at 7:50 Pm with an attendance of 18. This was an important meeting to select the slate of candidates for year 2001, unfortunately the attendance was quite low . Our president LEE N4TCW was not in attendance and ROBERT KE4MCL our vice president ran the meeting. Also our Treasurer SCOTT KF4FIK was also absent. The meeting began with an introduction of those present. Our next business was a report of our repeater trusties. the trusties oresent were RAY KD4BBM who gave a report on the 76 repeater. Its working fine, except for a noise mthat keeps breaking in. Its the same interference we've been having for some time. It seems to be coming from a building on RED ROAD, near SW 58 ST. He needs help from anyone who can track it to its exact location. Also, there is some interference that is putting hospital messages on the repeater. (146.760) eminating somewhere around Bird Road and 72 St. Again, anyone who can scout this is invited to do so. There is a problem with the 220 repeater, and the problem is that no one is using it. Our other trustees were not present to give a report. Our winter field day is still iffy, but not dead. When new info is available, I will send it to you. A motion by JOE was made to confer with CARL, who was not present, before plans are finalized. seconded by ROBERT KF4MCL. JASON KE4KYY Manpower chairman for the Tropical hamboree says its now time to volunteer for your favorite posts. AT NEXT monts meeting he will will giving out the Parking Passes, Meal tickets, so if you want them you have to be there. JOE AC4TV spoke about the main net on December 20 being devoted to young people. The slate of candidates for the club for year 2001 are as follows: PRESIDENT -------- MARGARITA MESONES KF4NZG VICE PRESIDENT--ROBERT CRUZ KE4MCL and RONNIE HAIK TREASURER ------JOE KALLAHER KG4GTS----- WAS ELECTED Treasurer AT A PREVIOUS MEETING TO REPLACE SCOTT. This position is not open to voting at this time. SECRETARY ----JOE CHWICK AC4TV DIRECTOR------3 YRS KEVIN SCANLON W4PCS Voting will take place at the January 08 meeting. Our 50-50 had $13 in it and was won by RAY KD4BBM, who donated it back to the club. Meeting ended at 8:40 Pm. Respectfully JOE AC4TV SECRETARY OUR NEXT MEETING IS JANUARY 8 AT 7:30 Pm AT THE DADE EOC. T BHIS WILL BE AN IMPORTANT MEETING, THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR THE CLUB. DUES ARE NOW OVERDUE, PLEASE SEND THEM TO OUR MAILING ADDRESS POBOX 430025 MIAMI, FL 33243-0025 |