SOUTH FLORIDA FM ASSOCIATION April 8, 2002 MINUTES OF MEETING PRESIDENT RONNIE HAIK KG4DBI DIRECTORS Meeting was called to order at 1945 hours with 30 present. Repeater update 147.315 - The power amplifier died and has been repaired. It is back on the air at full power. 147.150 - It covered the March of Dimes event flawlessly, proof that you don't need power. 224.200 - Works great. Some people are surfacing, and a whole group of people hangs out on 220. There are tons of repeaters. You might want to check it out, if you got the equipment 147.000 - working March of Dimes over past weekend. The event went very well. Thank you to everyone who participated. Put all who showed up to good use. They had good cool, breezy weather. We would like to offer a special thanks to Randy (WA20MT) for putting it all together. Thanks to Jason (KE4KYY) and Carl (KA4HLO). Ronny (KG4DBI) apologized for making a mistake. He left the rest stop he was working at when he heard a pregnant lady who was having problems, and he went to pick her up. Police had specifically asked us to not get involved in medical activities. They wanted us to let them know about any medical needs we heard about so they could act. It was an act of a Good Samaritan, and would be covered by the club, should something had happened. Thanks to Adam (KG4PSN) for the photos. Great job! Upcoming Events There was a CERT refresher on the March 23rd. There were some HAMs there. There is a CERT open enrollment the next 2 weekends (April 13 and 20). The first week is at the EOC. You must register in advance, because if they do not get enough people, they will cancel it. Go to -- fill out the form so that Carl can get the information New/Old event - Boy Scouts of America Barefoot Mailman, 39 mile hike (Wilton
Manors to NW 36st), will take place in about 6 months. It will include a couple
thousand scouts. The date is not yet selected. There is a real problem with
people hogging the repeaters. Repeater use during rush hour should be reserved
for mobiles, so please do not get on the repeaters from a base station during
rush hours. Also, please leave break in between to Anthony (KF4AWH), and Jessie (KG4OXR) are going to have an event to try to get people, especially blind, interested in amateur radio - please give them support. David gave the Introduction to Red Cross Next class - Disaster Services, sometime in May in the EOC - 4 hours Simplex tests - UHF, 6m, 220 (in future) around noon on Sundays. They have had good participation so far. Robert brought to show his new $99 iCom HH here. It works great May 18th there will be a CERT activity in Miami Lakes. If you want to participate, see Brenden (KG4DKF). He needs $10 from you to turn in this week. James brought in some antenna equipment he made. It didn't cost a whole lot to make. More information is available on the SoFlaHams group site on Yahoo. An Excel spreadsheet is available to calculate measurements. Wendy Dibean |