Minutes of the April Meeting: Meeting opened at 7:50 Pm with 16 present. It looks like attendance at meetings is falling. The first order of business was the introduction of those present. A motion to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter was made by JOE AC4TV seconded by RICK N4PBBF, motion passed. Good news is that the 147.000 repeater is back up on the tower and working beautifully. members report is that they were able to get into the repeater from Southern Palm Beach County. RANDY WA2OMT the man power chairman for the March of Dimes would like to than all those who volunteered for the MS walk, for a job well done. RAY KD4BBM asks "Are we really needed for the March of Dimes"? They all have communicators, and cell phones and dont seem to be that interested in our services. JASON-- they are more interested in our logicitc capabilities, the same with the Jr. Orange bowl parade and the Bike tour. But at the Jr OB parade and Tour, we are really needed, and we get a world of cooperation from them. RAY The APRS worked out very well and we should get them ready for the tour. The next big thing coming up is the bikeathon (key largo tour), April 29-30. JASON needs manpower badly and he would appreciate your calling him at 305-291-4346. Jason would like enough volunteers to be able to have two work crews. One for Saturday and one for the Sunday. Well over one thousand riders are expected, which is up from last years event. There are some amnemities for all who volunteer. Saturday night there will be a big beer bash at the campground in Key largo, a live band on stage, a good dinner, beach, great scenery. RALPH KF4HVJ told me to tell everyone that due to their work and volunteering for the MS bike tour that he is able to walk. Ralph has Multiple Sclerosis, and they have done a lot for him and others with MS and other illnesses. We had a big event take place a few weeks ago take place off the coast of Honduras, where a 13 year old boy was whose parent were amateurs from the Netherlands, was critically wounded by gun fire from marauding pirates who frequent that area. The boy was shot in the abdomen and the bullet passed through his kidney and spinal cord. A mayday was picked up on the maritime net 14.300 Mhz and JIM K4TCV, who is a doctor was called upon to keepm this boy alive until help arrived. The good news is that help did arrive in time and the boy was airlifted to Dallas where he will recover, but he will be paralyzed from the waist down, but his life expectancy is good. A lot of the credit goes to Dr. JIM Hirschman K4TCW, who should receive the thanks from all of us. This was a great event for Amateur radio and with what it can do in emergencies. People seen to forget about that.. Unfortunately, the news media is not that generous with anything that concerns amateur radio. How many movies were made about amateur radio, and how many were made about CBers. It seems that the April meeting has marked the end of our meeting at the DADE EOC at Sw 56 St. and 87 Ave. Our president LEE N4TCW and Jason are scouting for a new meeting place. Our picnic will be our May Meeting. Our JUNE meeting will be in a new location. as soon as I get the information, I will pass it on to you. Whatcha doin on Sunday May 7 around 11 Am?? Of course you are going to the SFFMA Picnic. It will be at the Indian Hammocks Park on the west side of 1SW 107 ave, just slightly north of Kendall Drive in Pavillion #5. You will receive mailings about that. Our President LEE N4TCW will torch the steaks. I hope he goes lightly on the Napalm. Come on down and meet everyone. There are many member I haven't as yet met. It would be nice to see you. KU4GY JOHN repeater trustee and coordinator, the 147.000 is up and running and no problems CARL KA4HLO the 440 is working. CARL. We have to put up a new antenna and coax. Could need a work crew. Also we are going to have to put a new equipment cabinet on the Tower for the 147.000. The old one is about rusted through.(we saw pictures taken on the tower). This is going to be quite a job, and I feel that we should hire a professional crew to do it. Its quite a job, first we have to take all the equipment out and lower it to the ground. then remove the cabinet, then put the new one up, and then put the equipment back. It may be too much for our own crew. While we are talking about the tower, channel six ran a phone cable up the tower, and they were gracious enough to leave us a pair, maybe we can put an autopatch in. We were instructed to check on our lease and negotiate a new one with NBC 6. We pay a dollar a year rent. Channel six deserves a lot of credit for promoting amateur radio in the Miami area. THANK YOU CHANNEL SIX, we all appreciate it. RAY KD4BBM we have to try to expand our repeater sites. With the decline in Amateur Radio. we may have a lot of repeater owners decide that they dont want to continue with them, and we should be ready to pick up these sites up for the future. We still need some action pictures of hams in action for the presentation. Respectfully, JOE AC4TV Secretary/newsletter editor 05/09/05 |