Meeting called to order at 7:40 PM by El Presidente, Ronnie KG4DBI A bunch of people showed up. Repeater update: 147.000 works great 146.760 some interference on the input, nobody uses this machine. 442.000 works great, someone needs to talk on it. 224.200 we think it works. Nobody talks on this repeater. There was no copy of last month's minutes. John and someone else was nominated for the position of director, vote will be next month. The vote was put off because the minutes from last month's meeting were missing in action. D-CAT is forming a search party. Next month is the Tropical Marathon. Carl is looking for communication volunteers. The date is Feb, 1. WE NEED YOU!!! The event will be on UHF, so dig out that 440 equipment you have never used. HAMBOREE!! Jason needs bodies to work the Hamboree. All volunteers get FREE VIP PARKING and FREE ADMISSION. You also get FREE FOOD!!!! Contact Jason Swift if you want to volunteer. Hamboree will be the first FULL weekend of February, which is the 7th and 8th. This works out great, as February 1st is he day of the marathon. Bike-A-Thon Update Ernesto made a spy mission on the new route. The event now starts at Miami Dade Kendall Campus. The new route goes through Country Walk and past the Charles Deering Estate. Contact Ernesto if you want to volunteer. The event will be bigger than last year, so we need you!! This is a fun event, and many more volunteers are desperately needed. This event could not happen without volunteer communicators. If you can spare the weekend, please sign up with Ernesto. The event will be on the last weekend of April, which is the 24th and 25th. March Of Dimes Update Randy has no new updates. The event will happen on April 3rd. Contact Wendy Dibean if you want to volunteer. Do not bother Wendy till a week or so after Hamboree. The route will be the same as last year. New Business Dues are due. Please make checks payable to S.F.F.M.A. and mail them to PO Box 430028, Miami FL 33243. Membership is $30 plus $5 per family member. New members have to fill out a membership form, which are available at any SFFMA meeting. You can also print out a membership form at You can also pay your dues at the next meeting. D-CAT and assorted other hams went camping somewhere out in the swamplands. A
video of the campout was shown at the meeting. Meeting ended at 8:20 PM.
Refreshments were served in the lounge area. 05/09/2005 |