A large group of South Florida Hams made the trip to the 2003 Melbourne Hamfest. Hamfests are back! This one was great. Photos by Dennis/K4QHM Ellis, KI4ANW and son Daniel from Jupiter, Fl; former Miamians and friends of Dennis/K4QHM.
George WB4JFA and Grover N0GV
Ray KD4BBM, Steve KD4NRQ and Jeff KG4CNM in front of Jeff's table
Stephanie W4DTJ. Not her first fest (not even close), but her first as a ham!
Stephanie W4DTJ and Daniel KG4LYE
Wendy KG4OXT
Chris KG4SYV
The Morris Family, ? ,Don KG4JHH, Tom KG4CYX and Annie KG4UBX
Brendan KG4DKF
Judy Danko of Discount Products
Stephanie W4DTJ helps the GAP crew. What is he pointing at?
Roger KD4VNN Dude... it's a beer belly.
Roger KD4VNN and Ronnie KG4DBI
Pictures from the outside swap area.
09/21/2003 |