Kayak 2001
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Pictures from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 2001 Kayak Race, now in Miami Beach.  

Pictures by Ray Vaughan, KD4BBM and Jason Foster, N3PRZ.

RACES Officer, Carl, KA4HLO poses with the banner and a radio

The new routes around Southern Miami Beach.   There's a short route in gray and and a long one in blue.

A great shot of a participant, the Port of Miami, and a view of downtown Miami 

Communication Command Post

Left to right: Randy, WA2OMT runs the net.  Matt, KG4LGO checks the unit positions on APRS.

APRS station

Robert, KE4MCL's APRS tracker package

Our power source.  I added a circuit breaker to the City park's panel.  No generator needed for this event.   Notice GFCIs for safety.

Side view of the power center. At the top of the mast you can see a 2.4 GHz yagi.  We had high speed connectivity to the Internet for messages, APRS, and weather radar.  A local Wireless Internet company donated the bandwidth for the day.

The Coast Guard vessel arrives at the dock.

Tee Shirt strength testing session

The event leader, David, KE4TIN.   He operated his radio from a personal watercraft.

The mister set up.  Not ham radio, but it seems to be appreciated by the people who participate in an event on a hot day.  You'll see these at some of the events we participate in when the crowds need some cooling.

Ivan after being misted


Father and Son team, Armando and Ivan on the dock.

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