Thanks to Bill Moore from The Flamingo Club for the following pictures from
the 1960 through 1980s. Click on the thumbnail to see the full size image.
gauzens.jpg Is Carl(W4DTJ) and Evelyn (W4WYR) Gauzens and Family from early 1960's.
j4sdtj.jpg Are Frank Sullivan (NJ4S) and Carl Gauzens (W4DTJ) from about 1975
j4sdwngfq.jpg Are Frank Sullivan (NJ4S), Walter Dixon (W4DWN) and Ed Wright (W4GFQ) from about 1975
jsd.jpg Is Eddie (KD4JSD/long time SWL) 80's
k4cyf.jpg Is Dora Dixon (K4CYF), Oct. 1960
k4czw.jpg Is Carlin Bandy (K4CZW) and xyl 80's
k4czw.jpg Is Carlin Bandy (K4CZW) and xyl 80's
k4czy.jpg Is Harold Palmer (K4CZY) from about 1979. At the start of a Fox Hunt!
k4jdf.jpg Is Bernie (K4JDF) from Jan. 1964
k4kq.jpg Is Chuck Bolvin (K4KQ) 80's
k4ony.jpg Is Ted Schempp (K4ONY) 80's
k4ugc.jpg Is Fred (K4UGC) from Jan. 1964
picnic.jpg Is a picnic from the 80's. left to right: Kurt Lenkway (WA4GGJ), Rita (xyl of WA4GGJ), Walt Dixon (W4DWN), Art Stead (W4LGA), Gloria Veres (KC4LFI), Rose Daley ( KC4PMP), Ed Kane (K4MAS), Ed's Mom?,
Ray Preeschl (KB4HAY), Val Mecca (KA4KFV ), Hank Botein (KC4OLR), Bill Daley (KB4ZLL), Joycelyn Martinusek (N4ORZ), John Brott (WB4ZJS), John Mann (N4OLE), Susanne Moore (KB4PNH), John Morgan? (N4YZB?)
pnhjsole.jpg Is Susanne Moore (KB4PNH/W0MAN), Frank Sullivan (NJ4S) and John
Mann (N4OLE) 80's
ppqkfv.jpg Is Kitty LePine (W4PPQ) and Valentine Mecca (KA4KFV) 80's
thuntpic.jpg Is a Flamingo THunt/picnic from the 70's. Front row: Adeline Moore
(WA4TEJ's Mom); Second row: ?,(xyl KN4GH?),Evelyn Gauzens (W4WYR), Charlie
Johnson (W4MNN); Third Row Standing: Kurt Lenkway (WA4GGJ); Fourth Row Standing:
Bill Whitaker (WD4JKM), Paul dr Rier (K4CZX), Hal Palmer (K4CZY), Carl Gauzens
(W4DTJ), Bill Moore (WA4TEJ); Fifth Row Standing: Jerry? (KN4GH?), Tom Hayes
(N4MEO), Walt Dixon (W4DWN), Leslie Connaughton (WA4TEJ's friend)
tojtok.jpg Is John (W4TOJ) and Tina (w4TOK) Lockhart, early 60's
w4app.jpg Is Hal (W4APP) the "Ancient Pea Picker" from Jan. 1964
w4dwn.jpg Is Walter Dixon (W4DWN) in July, 1961. Long-time NCS and Secretary
Treasurer of the Flamingo Net.
w4edp.jpg Is Jim Bonnell (W4EDP) from April 1960.
w4gj.jpg Is Walter Kinney (W4GJ) in 1964. Long time Flamingo NCS. Broadcast
radio personality. "Whiskey in 4 Gallon Jugs"
w4lga.jpg Is Art Stead (W4LGA) 80's
w4lih.jpg Is George Hart (W4LIH) with his "mighty mobile", Jan. 1964
w4mnn.jpg Is Charlie Johnson (W4MNN) from March, 1961.
w4rwt.jpg Is John Morel (W4RWT) in the early 1960's (?) "Honest John",
the long-time Flamingo Net treasurer.
w4wgu.jpg Is Fred Schael (W4WGU) from Jan. 1964
w4wsj.jpg Is Wiley (W4WSJ) from the old Amateur Radio Center. Jan. 1964
wa4bpx.jpg Is Clarence (WA4BPX).
wa4bzb.jpg Is Joe Stemper (WA4BZB) in the early 1960's (?)
wa4dys.jpg Is Ed (WA4DYS) from Jan. 1964
wa4ggj.jpg Is Kurt Lenkway (WA4GGJ) from Jan. 1964
wguxyl.jpg Is Fred Schael (W4WGU) and wife at a late 70's picnic. Background: ?,
Helen Wright (xyl W4GFQ), Ed Wright (W4GFQ), Ed Taylor (WA4TAQ)
abimqx.jpg Is Phil Partee (W4ABI) and WA4MQX 80's
czxggj.jpg Is Paul de Rier (K4CZX), Kurt Lenkway (WA4GGJ), Hal Palmer (K4CZY)
and Bill Whitaker (WD4JKM) judging a building contest in the early
dwncyf.jpg Is Walter Dixon (W4DWN) and Dora Dixon (K4CYF), from late 50's