May 12, 2001 we participated in CERT 2001, the 2nd annual countywide exercise, hosted by the City of South Miami. A good time was had by everyone and a lot of important lessons were learned. Click on the buttons above to see pictures from the daytime and nighttime scenarios. There are quite a few pictures on each page, so, if you're on a modem, allow some time for all the images to download. If your team has a web site and you would like to use any of these images, feel free. Just right click on the image and download it to your hard drive. If you have any questions about radio communication within your team, please let me know. I'm on the Amateur Radio CERT team. Members of our group might be helping your team communicate back to the EOC. If you have questions about radios to use within your team, please let me know. You can e-mail me at
07/15/2003 |