147.000 MHz Repeater
Home Up 147000 Archive Tower Trips

bulletInput            146.400 MHz     No PL needed  (note that this is a DOWN shift)
bulletOutput         147.000 MHz     94.8 Hz, only when receiver is active
bulletHeight         Equipment is located at 1400 feet
bulletRadio           Modified GE Mastr IIe repeater
bulletDuplexer       None 
bulletCallsign        KU4GY/R
bulletController    S-COM 7k
bulletAutopatch    None
bulletAntennas      Two DB Products, RX at 1600' and TX at 1500'.


Even NEWER feature!   The 147.000 Repeater can now be heard LIVE on your computer from anywhere in the world!   

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You MAY need tell Internet Explorer to open it with WinAmp.  You'll start hearing the next conversation that happens on the repeater.   There is about a 30 second delay.

New Web Site Feature:  You can now hear 147.000 MHz repeater conversations from the last few days.

Click here to hear what's going on

Learn about the radio horizon, how tall the tower is and how to tell when we have ducting.

How far away is it?

The 147.000 is the flagship repeater of the SFFMA.   It's located 1400' up on the WTVJ, NBC6 tower.   The RX antenna is at about 1600', the TX is at 1500'.   This makes it the highest Amateur Radio Repeater in South Florida.  The transmitter power output is 50 watts.   There is no duplexer since there are two antennas separated by 100'.

Like all SFFMA repeaters, it is open to all licensed Amateurs. 

The repeater is optionally linked to the WT4X 442.350 repeater.   When you hear a drip sound, that was a transmission from the 442.350 repeater.  

Click on the buttons at the top of the page to see pictures of the highest repeater in South Florida, the 147.000 Repeater.  The dates refer to the date of a trip we made up the tower to work on it.   Not all trips were documented with pictures.

This critical repeater site has been donated to the SFFMA by WTVJ, NBC6 in Miami.

NBC 6 Logo

We thank them for their support of Emergency Communication and Amateur Radio in South Florida.


    © South Florida FM Association, 2003   

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